

Who You Are: Are you Powerful or Simply Possess Brute Force?

Perhaps you are starting to glimpse your awakening power now and then. But who you are is not so readily apparent.

If you have been working at all consciously with your thoughts and feelings, trying to discard and change the negative – if you have been seeking out things to be grateful for, more than things to be disturbed by – and if you look for places to leave a little kindness behind you, and places where you can forgive, you are becoming very powerful.

True power is demonstrated by your ability to act thoughtfully and purposely instead of reacting with impulsiveness and short-sightedness.…

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How to use salicylic acid and vitamin c together

We all want glowing skin. And while there are a million products on the market that claim to give you exactly that, sometimes it’s the simplest combinations that are the most effective. Case in point: salicylic acid and vitamin C.

You may have seen salicylic acid in your skincare products before to remove dead skin cells. It’s a powerful ingredient that can help to unclog pores, prevent breakouts, and even reduce inflammation. Vitamin C is another skincare powerhouse with antioxidant properties that can brighten the skin and protect it from environmental damage.

So, what happens when you combine these two ingredients?

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Awakening the Energy body through Spiritual Practices

Awakening the energy body is one of the main goals of Neigong, and it is also important in Reiki healing. As I wrote before here, many principles overlap across spiritual systems. They are just different ways of expressing these ideas.

One of the most important things you will learn from energy arts, whether it’s Reiki, Tai Chi, or even Martial Arts in general, is that it all begins and ends with the mind. A strong mind is crucial for making effective use of your energy.

In this article, we learn many important principles for awakening the energy body. The energy body is an important part of our lives, and it is something that we should all strive to awaken.…

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The amazing importance of ceremony and ritual in our lives: a little primer on manifestation

We are very ritualistic people. You might not consider yourself “religious” or a “believer” but either way, we all follow sets of actions that can be called ceremony and ritual in our everyday life.

How are you feeling right this minute? Bored, tired, anxious, rushed, confused, hopeful, peaceful, angry, happy, or something else?

It doesn’t matter what it is. You are a powerful creator and if it is with you at this moment you are creating more of it. That’s just the way energy works. You are actively manifesting your thoughts.

Of course, if you are aware of what you are doing and its deeper meaning, then the effect is that much greater.…

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spiritual experiences through the various stages of kundalini awakening
All you wanted to know about the 7 stages of Kundalini Awakening Process

For those who are not familiar, kundalini is a type of spiritual energy that is said to be located at the base of the spine. This energy is often associated with the concepts of chakras and Kundalini yoga. As we know, the physical body has many energy centers that can be opened up throughout life by spiritual practice. Dormant kundalini energy can be called up at will by someone who has reached spiritual enlightenment.

I know this sounds confusing coming from a Reiki practitioner. But don’t get bogged down by the names. As I like to say, many of the spiritual systems like Reiki, Chi and Kundalini overlap.…

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The Awesome Benefits of the Five Reiki Principles and how to become a Reiki master teacher

Have you ever heard of Reiki and wondered what it was all about? Well, you are in luck as this is what this blog is all about! Reiki is a unique spiritual system based on healing. It is universal and has helped many people worldwide (with ample scientific proof).

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki literally means “spiritually guided life force energy.”

Here we explain everything you need to know in order to understand the five Reiki principles, how it was created and how it works.…

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The Tragic Case Of Haiti And We Can Learn From It

From the Bible: ‘Many are called but few are chosen.’

What kind of souls may have been called to live on the Island of Haiti?

Those who wanted to face corruption and dark energies and overcome? Those who wanted to be a part of a huge outpouring of love that would elevate the world? Who was chosen?

I would imagine the ones in most need of facing challenge – some triumphed and some did not – some are still deciding. I would imagine the ones most desiring to make a difference.

Their work is ongoing. Perhaps the ones that were chosen were those with the greatest courage, and the highest potential for success.…

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What They Don’t Want You To Know: The Truth About UFO Spotted

Several weeks ago 6 retired military personal spoke to the United Press Club about their experiences with aircraft that they believe to be from some other place than Earth. These are well-respected and credible gentlemen, and they have called for – yet again – full disclosure of what our government knows about UFO activity.

On Oct. 13 2010 in New York City for several hours many people watched lights in the sky that hovered in place – the thousands of people watching believed the lights were Alien in nature and peaceful in their presence, and the FAA said it can’t be anything because it doesn’t show up on radar.…

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A Brief Synopsis On The History Of Humankind

For the last 26,000 years we have been traveling through a space/time construct that has supported duality. We have been sent massive amounts of heavy dark energy by beings that fed off division and stress and lack and fear.

Why did God allow this? Because he loves and honors us.

We said we wanted all knowledge, including knowlege of the dark side, and God always says yes to his beloved children. At the same time we were also bombarded by massive amounts of love and light, streaming to us from the heavenly realms. These two choices stood before us daily in stark contrast.…

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Never Underestimate The Power Of Prayer

Are You Seeing It Yet?

The world is changing – gently but profoundly. In India they are making medicine free to all people. In Canada a huge law suit was settled in favor of native people that had been abused by the government. More fraud is being uncovered everyday and many political leaders and bankers all over the world have been arrested, stepped down, and some have committed suicide. The list of changes in the world goes on and on, and is available if you search the internet or listen to certain foreign broadcasts.

We have long wanted, and long believed, that the only road to lasting change was to remove the people in charge and replace them.…

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