All you wanted to know about the 7 stages of Kundalini Awakening Process

For those who are not familiar, kundalini is a type of spiritual energy that is said to be located at the base of the spine. This energy is often associated with the concepts of chakras and Kundalini yoga. As we know, the physical body has many energy centers that can be opened up throughout life by spiritual practice. Dormant kundalini energy can be called up at will by someone who has reached spiritual enlightenment.

I know this sounds confusing coming from a Reiki practitioner. But don’t get bogged down by the names. As I like to say, many of the spiritual systems like Reiki, Chi and Kundalini overlap. They are simply different names for experiencing the divine light.

Either way, there are many states of Kundalini awakening and that is the final goal for many people in their spiritual journey. If you are looking for a spiritual awakening, then you should be familiar with them in order to understand which spiritual level you are at.

In this article, we will speak about the various stages of kundalini awakening process.

But before tapping into this powerful energy, it’s important to learn a little bit about spiritual experiences. This is very important because a proper spiritual experience can open up energy centers. A bad spiritual experience can bring emotional trauma and in a deep sense affect a person negatively for life.

spiritual experiences through the various stages of kundalini awakening

Defining Spiritual Awakening

Simply put, spiritual experiences come as a result of expanding your consciousness. This is done primarily through sacred practices like meditation but can also come from body exercises such as hatha yoga. When a spiritual experience occurs, it means you have awakened your higher consciousness and activated your pineal gland (we will talk about it in another article).

Careful purification of the body and 5 senses are required to remove the energy blocks in order to achieve awakening. This means eating healthy, exercising, meditating and praying. In a deep sense, we are actually weakening our bonds to the physical world, allowing our south to experience the divine light, and clearing many negative emotions. Many teachers say that the entire system of meditation has this principle in mind. I don’t have a formed opinion on it yet.

In general, advancing through the stages of kundalini awakening refers to accessing this spiritual energy (which lies coiled), and using it to reach higher levels of consciousness. There are said to be various stages of kundalini awakening, each with its own set of sometimes uncomfortable symptoms and experiences.

Here is a brief overview of each stage:

  • The first stage is known as the “lower kundalini.” In this stage, the kundalini energy starts to rise from the base of the spine and up through the chakras. This can be a very physical process, and people often report feeling a tingling sensation or heat in their spine. This is often accompanied by changes in breathing and heart rate.

  • The second stage is known as the “middle kundalini.” In this stage, the kundalini energy rises even higher, into the head. People often report feeling pressure in their head or third eye area. This can also be accompanied by changes in breathing and heart rate.

  • The third stage is known as the “upper kundalini.” In this stage, the kundalini energy rises all the way to the crown chakra. People often report feeling a sense of bliss or enlightenment. This can also be accompanied by changes in breathing and heart rate.

expanding your consciousness brings spiritual awakening

Stages of Kundalini Awakening (in-depth)

The First Stage: Physical Symptoms (Prana Shakti)

Prana shakti is the first stage of kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy is said to reside in the base chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spine. The main purpose of this chakra is to provide stability and grounding.

The first stage of kundalini awakening is often marked by physical symptoms. These can include changes in appetite, sleep patterns, and sex drive. You may also experience headaches, body aches, or spontaneous body movements. These are caused by the release of toxins from the body as the kundalini energy starts to flow. But it’s nothing to worry about!

The Second Stage: Mental and Emotional Changes (Apana Shakti)

Apana shakti is the second stage of kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy moves from the Muladhara chakra up to the sacral chakra, which is located just below the navel. The main purpose of this chakra is creativity and sexual energy.

The second stage is characterized by mental and emotional changes. You may feel more sensitive to your surroundings and have a greater awareness of your own thoughts and emotions. You may also start to experience strong mood swings or feelings of euphoria followed by periods of anxiety or depression. These changes can be confusing and overwhelming, but they are all part of the process.

The Third Stage: Spiritual Transformation (Samana Shakti)

Samana shakti is the third stage of kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy moves from the sacral chakra up to the solar plexus chakra, which is located just above the navel. The main purpose of this chakra is personal power and transformation.

The third stage is when the real transformation begins. You may start to feel a deep connection to the universe and all that exists within it. You may also have powerful mystical experiences or visions. At this stage, you will begin to see life from a completely different perspective. The world around you will take on new meaning and you will start to question your previous beliefs and values.

The Fourth Stage: Udana Shakti

Udana shakti is the fourth stage of kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy moves from the solar plexus chakra up to the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the chest. The main purpose of this chakra is love and compassion.

The Fifth Stage: Vyana Shakti

Vyana shakti is the fifth stage of kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy moves from the heart chakra up to the throat chakra, which is located in the center of throat. The main purpose of this chakra is communication and expression.

The Sixth Stage: Ajna Shakti

Ajna shakti is the sixth stage of kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy moves from the throat chakra up to the third eye chakra, which is located between the eyebrows. The main purpose of this chakra is intuition and wisdom. Interestingly enough, you can feel that your third eye chakra is opening once you feel some light pressure coming from your forehead, right between your eyes.

Seventh Stage: Sahasrara Shakti

Sahasrara Shakti is the seventh stage of the kundalini awakening. In this stage, the kundalini energy moves to the crown chakra which is located at the top of the head the main purpose of this chakra is itself-realization and enlightenment

Is Kundalini Awakening permanent?

This is a very important question that we all want to know. Awakenings don’t happen spontaneously but need to be worked on a daily basis. In a deep sense Kundalini awakening is permanent since the inner peace that results from it stays within you through your entire life, provided you keep working on yourself and don’t abandon your meditation practice.

Of course, if someone begins living a disorderly life, the benefits of kundalini awakening can easily be lost. But I believe this is very rare since most people who experience divine energy seldom abandon it.


We are all searching for spiritual experiences in this physical world. Awakening the energy centers in the body (which lie dormant) is the surest path to reaching that goal. Kundalini awakening is a goal for many people meditating because it can lead to profound spiritual transformation. If you are curious about your own spiritual level, understanding the various stages of kundalini awakening can be helpful.

Each stage has its own unique energy and purpose. Becoming familiar with the different stages will help you understand your current spiritual level. If you are interested in achieving kundalini awakening then meditation and practices like hatha yoga are key (of course, I don’t need to tell you that Reiki also helps!).

You may also want to consult with a teacher or mentor to learn more about the kundalini process and how to successfully go your own spiritual path. Remember: the key is persistence and expanding your consciousness. Let go of what you can’t change and focus on your own spiritual path.

Keep in mind that everyone’s lives are unique so don’t be discouraged if your journey does not look exactly like someone else’s. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be and enjoy the ride! Live a normal life, don’t get conceited, and let the divine energy flow freely.

You can do it if you persist!

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