

Laws of Manifestation and How the Sun and Moon’s movements influence the Spiritual Foundations

The spiritual laws are said to be affected by solar and lunar movements. This is because the Sun and Moon represent different aspects of our spiritual selves. The Sun represents our conscious self, while the Moon represents our unconscious self. When they are in alignment, we are said to be more in touch with our spirituality. However, when they are out of alignment, it can lead to a disconnection from our spirituality.

The Sun and Moon are said to be the two most influential celestial bodies when it comes to the spiritual laws that govern our lives.

Out of all the vast celestial bodies in the universe, the Sun and Moon have some of the most influence when it comes to spiritual laws.…

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Why and How to Release Negative Energy

We all know how it feels when we’ve been holding onto something negative for too long – maybe it’s resentment, anger, or fear. The weight of it can feel crippling, and it can be difficult to let go. Butreleaseing negativity is crucial for our mental and spiritual wellbeing. Here’s why:

When we carry around negative energy, it drains us of our own positive energy and vitality. It also creates a barrier between us and the people and things we want to attract into our lives. If we want to live happy, peaceful lives filled with love and abundance, we need to learn how to release negative energy regularly.…

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Just Do It – How to break mental barriers and get things done

We all have things that we want to achieve in life, but sometimes our mental barriers can get in the way. If you’re finding yourself struggling to get things done, it’s time to break through those barriers and achieve your goals. In this blog post, I’ll share some tips on how to do just that. With the right mindset and strategy, you can overcome anything standing in your way. So let’s get started!

Understand what is holding you back – is it fear, procrastination, or something else entirely?

We all have challenges to overcome as we strive towards our goals. Figuring out what is preventing us from reaching that end point can be difficult and daunting.…

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The Meaning of Spiritual Corruption: Are You The Problem Or The Solution?

Most people know that our government is corrupt on many levels.

Most people know that our drug companies benefit from keeping us sick.

Most people know that our education system is flawed.

Most people don’t know what to do about it, and so they become complacent.

The world is in a state of spiritual corruption, and it’s up to each one of us to make it a better place. But what does that mean, exactly? Are we the problem or the solution? Let’s take a closer look at the meaning of spiritual corruption and what we can do about it.

spiritual corruption can be combated if we know how to

Define spiritual corruption and its effects on the world

Spiritual corruption is an insidious issue that is all too often overlooked in today’s world.…

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How We Imagine The future of Medicine: Personal, Less invasive, more natural

In the past century, there has been a tremendous shift in the way we think about medicine. We have moved from an approach that was mostly focused on treating illness and disease to one that is much more holistic and preventive. This shift has been driven by advances in medical science, but also by changes in our cultural attitude towards health and wellness. In this blog post, we will explore the future of medicine and how it may continue to evolve in a more personal, less invasive, and more natural direction. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

future of medicine will be very different from what we know
Star cookies with glass teapot on a dark background with a meteorite.

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Crown Jewels and the Importance of Parables to Spiritual Growth

We often think of parables as simple stories with a moral lesson, but they can be so much more than that. Parables can be used as a tool for storytelling and spiritual growth. They can help us to understand complex concepts and connect with our spirituality in a deeper way. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of parables in both storytelling and spiritual growth. We hope that you will find something useful here whether you are a storyteller or simply someone who is looking for a deeper connection to your spirituality. Thank you for reading!

A parable is a simple story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson

A parable is an incredibly effective way of conveying a moral or spiritual lesson in a succinct fashion.…

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Loving Whole Heartedly – Making the Most Out Of Your Emotions

We talk a lot about love. I write a lot about love. When someone we love leaves us, we often experience grief or sadness, and we can feel empty inside. Energetically that is a very accurate way to put it, because some of our energetic particles went with the object of our love. We are often also filled with particles that they left with us – particles that really belong to them.

Their grief – their anger – their sense of loss – every bit as real as our grief, our anger, our sense of loss. So here we are. Two hurt people.…

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Discerning The Truth – How to Tell When Something Is Real and When Something Is False

There’s an old saying that goes, “trust your gut.” But what does that really mean? How can you tell when something is true or false?

Is there a way to know for sure?

The answer is yes – and it all starts with understanding your own intuition.

We’ll explore what intuition is, how to tell when it’s speaking to you, and some of the ways you can use it to discern the truth in any given situation.

Discerning the truth can be difficult but is doable

The heart knows what the head doesn’t – discerning the truth from fiction

It’s often said that knowledge originates from within, and that deep down everyone knows what is true and false.…

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What Does It Mean To Be At Peace With Yourself? – And Other Vital Ideas

If you’re not at peace with yourself, it’s impossible to be at peace with the world around you.

Spiritual healers know this better than anyone, which is why we’ve put together some tips on how to find inner peace and tranquility. By following these suggestions, you’ll be able to live a more harmonious life overall.

Forgive yourself for your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes – it’s an unavoidable part of life. From the tiny blunders to the big ones, we all make missteps every so often. What matters is how you address them: by learning from them and growing stronger. To do that, it’s important first to forgive yourself for your mistakes.…

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How energy is always fluctuating in the spiritual and physical worlds

Fluctuating Energies – An essential aspect of the world

Have you ever felt like you were in a funk? Or had a string of bad luck? chances are, your energy was off. Our bodies are constantly emitting and absorbing energy, as is everything else in the spiritual and physical worlds. This flow of energy is always fluctuating, which can influence our moods, thoughts, and experiences.

When our energy is high, we feel great. We’re optimistic, happy, and ready to take on whatever comes our way. But when our energy is low, it can be tough to get through the day. We may feel down, anxious, or even sick.…

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