6 Ways On How to Heal Wounded Feminine Energy

This is a Little Guide I made for women around the world to heal their wounded feminine energy

We all know the world is a little out of balance. There’s too much yang and not enough yin. Men are often out in the world, working hard and being assertive while women are left at home taking care of the children and holding down the fort. This imbalance can often lead to a lot of pain for the inner feminine. And this is not something that can be solved by just reading holistic healing books.

You’ve probably heard of “feminine energy” and “masculine energy” before. But what does that actually mean? In short, every human has both male and female energy inside of them. However, we usually identify more with one than the other. For example, you might be a woman who feels more in touch with her masculine side or a man who feels more in touch with his feminine side. There is no right or wrong way to be, it’s not part of your sensei teachings or university subjects.

how to heal wounded feminine energy

So, join me in this article on how to heal wounded feminine energy.

Defining feminine energy

So, what is wounded feminine energy? Essentially, it’s when a woman feels disconnected from her natural state of being. She might feel like she’s not good enough, that she’s not pretty enough or that she’s not doing enough. When a woman feels this way, it’s important for her to take some time to reconnect with herself. Basically, it’s a reflection of your state of emotional awareness (and this has consequences for her body in a physical sense).

The terms “feminine energy” and “masculine energy” can be slightly misleading because they’re not necessarily tied to a person’s gender identity. Instead, they refer to different ways of being in the world. Masculine energy is often associated with qualities like logic and assertiveness, while feminine energy is associated with qualities like intuition and emotional intelligence. Again, there is no right or wrong way to be—we all have access to both energies, regardless of how we identify.

That said, it’s not uncommon for people to experience imbalances in their masculine and feminine energies. And when that happens, it can create problems in our lives. For example, someone who identifies as a woman might have a harder time than usual accessing her feminine energy if she’s been socialized to believe that being emotional is a weakness. On the flip side, someone who identifies as a man might have a hard time accessing his masculine energy if he’s been socialized to believe that being assertive is rude.

I cannot emphasize how Reiki meditation has helped me return to balance. This is, however only one very effective way to heal wounded feminine energy (masculine as well, by the way).

In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways that imbalances in masculine and feminine energy can manifest themselves. We’ll also talk about some ways to heal wounded feminine energy.

Introduction on how to heal feminine energy

We all have masculine and feminine energy, regardless of gender. However, the world is currently out of balance when it comes to these energies. Too much masculine energy has led to wars, destruction, and chaos. The healing of the feminine energy is therefore essential for the world to find peace and harmony again. Women have after all, more often than not, been against violence.

But what does it mean to have wounded feminine energy? It can manifest itself in many ways, such as feeling unworthy, disconnected from your intuition, or being too harsh on yourself. Notice that these negative reactions can also influence your own energy body and your overall personal energy.

If you find that you can relate to any of these symptoms, then it might be time to start working on healing your feminine energy.

Here are some tips on how to do just that.

How Imbalances in Masculine and Feminine Energy Manifest Themselves

One of the most common ways that imbalances in masculine and feminine energy manifest themselves is through relationships. For example, someone who has a lot of unhealed wounds around their feminine energy might find themselves attracted to partners who are emotionally unavailable or abusive. On the other hand, someone who has a lot of unhealed wounds around their masculine energy might find themselves attracted to partners who are domineering or controlling.

Of course, these are just two examples—there are endless possibilities for how imbalances in masculine and feminine energy can play out in our lives. If you’re not sure whether or not you have any unhealed wounds around your masculine or feminine energy, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

Do I tend to attract partners who are emotionally unavailable?

Do I find myself getting into relationships that are based on power dynamics?

Do I feel like I have trouble being assertive?

Do I feel pain saying no?

Do I often find myself taking care of other people’s needs before my own?

Do I feel like I’m not allowed to express my emotions?

These are just some examples—again, there are endless possibilities for how unhealed wounds around masculine and feminine energy can manifest themselves. If you’re not sure whether or not you have any unhealed wounds around your masculine or feminine energy, it might be helpful to consult with a therapist or counselor who can help you explore this topic further.

1. Get in touch with your emotions.

One of the most important things you can do to heal your wounded feminine energy is to get in touch with your emotions. Start by identifying how you’re feeling in the present moment and then allow yourself to feel those emotions fully. Don’t try to push them away or bottle them up. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or scared—allowing yourself to experience these emotions is an important part of the healing process. Just be present and open.

And remember, meditation is key when it comes to harmonizing yourself and bringing healing to your mind, body, and soul. Alternatively, you can also use reiki affirmations and try to identify if you suffer from one of the seven toxic habits.

2. Spend time in nature

The outdoors has a way of helping us feel more grounded and connected to something larger than ourselves. When we’re feeling lost or disconnected, spending time outside can help us remember that we are a part of something bigger and that we are not alone. Take a walk in the park, go for a hike in the woods, or simply sit outside and take in the fresh air—whatever helps you feel more connected to nature, do that!

Nature is wonderful, and unfortunately, we tend to spend less and less time there. However, its capacity for grounding is unlimited.

3. Connect with other women

One of the best things you can do for your feminine energy is to connect with other women who understand what you’re going through. Find a group of like-minded women who you can share your experiences with and who will support you on your journey of healing. These connections are essential for helping us remember our worth and our power.

Every one of us has wounded feminine energy that needs to be treated and the power of healing is multiplied when we have a unified mindfulness of our struggles.

4. Be gentle with yourself

One of the most important things to remember when healing your feminine energy is to be gentle with yourself. This is not a race; there’s no need to rush the process or try to force anything. Simply be patient and kind with yourself, and trust that the answers will come in due time.

And, of course, treat yourself to some nice cake or book every once in a while, just for yourself!

5. Connect with your creative side

Whether it’s painting, drawing, writing, dancing, singing—whatever makes you feel good! Getting in touch with your creative side is a great way to start healing your wounded feminine energy.

6. Set boundaries

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is set boundaries with the people in our lives. If you find yourself constantly taking care of other people’s needs before your own, it might be time to start setting some boundaries around how much time and emotional labor you’re willing to give others. Putting your needs first doesn’t make you selfish—it makes you human!


In summary, healing your wounded feminine energy is an important step on the path to achieving peace and harmony in the world. By getting in touch with your emotions, spending time in nature, connecting with other women, and being gentle with yourself, you can begin the process of healing your feminine energy today, nurturing your soul. Also, keep practicing mindfulness daily.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for healing wounded feminine energy—it looks different for everyone because we all have different wounds that need attention. However, these five tips are a great place to start if you’re feeling lost or disconnected from your true self. By spending time in nature, connecting with other women, getting in touch with your creative side, practicing self-care, and meditating or praying, you can begin the journey of healing your wounds and reclaiming your feminine power!

I bless you on your journey!

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