

Transform Lives with Daily Mantras: Tips and Tricks for Manipulating Reality

Are you looking for a way to improve your life?

Do you want to find a way to manifest your desires and make your dreams come true? All you need is a little bit of help from the Universe- and some daily mantras.

Mantras are affirmations that help us get into the right mindset. By repeating positive statements, we can program our subconscious mind to attract what we want in life. And anyone can make use of them! You don’t have to be spiritual or religious to benefit from mantra affirmations.

So if you’re ready to transform your life, keep reading for some tips and tricks on how to Manipulate Reality with Daily Mantras!…

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Controlling Spiritually Abusive People – 8 Steps On How to Protect Yourself

Most of us have encountered controlling or abusive people at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, these manipulative individuals exist everywhere – in our homes, workplaces, and even in spiritual communities.

While it can be difficult to protect ourselves from their abuse, there are some steps we can take to reduce the risk of becoming their victim. In this blog post, we’ll share 8 strategies for protecting yourself from controlling and abusive people. By following these tips, you can help keep yourself safe from harm. Thanks for reading!

What is spiritual abuse?

Spiritual abuse is a form of psychological manipulation or mistreatment that occurs within a religious or spiritual group.…

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How gratitude can help heal deep spiritual wounds

It’s no secret that life can be tough. We all face difficult times and experience woundedness on some level. But what if we could learn to view our wounds as chances for growth and transformation? And what if, through gratitude, we could begin to heal those deep spiritual wounds?

Acknowledge the hurt you feel and be grateful for the lessons it has taught you

Embracing hurt and recognising its purpose is a difficult challenge to face. It requires us to look inward and confront unpleasant truths about our lives that may have evolved from past decisions or experiences. It can take courage to reflect on how these feelings manifest in the present, and as we step into this introspective space, it’s important to accept that pain is part of being alive.…

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Understanding What it Takes to Master Your Spiritual Life with Universal Laws

If you want to master your spiritual life, it’s important to understand the universal laws that govern both the spiritual and physical worlds.

These laws can be very helpful in guiding your development. By learning about them, you can begin to work more effectively with the natural flow of energy and create positive change in your life.

What universal laws are and how they work

The universal laws are the natural, fundamental truths that exist in the spiritual and physical universes. These laws govern how energy circulates and manifests, providing a framework for all life experiences. There are twelve main universal laws including the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration, the Law of Cause and Effect, and more.…

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Tension Relievers

Occasionally we all come up against something that is seemingly insurmountable and has us overwhelmed. It can be hard not to despair and get depressed and want to just give up, especially if we have been trying all we can to hold it together. At times like these we may need something very simple to hang onto to get us through.

tension relievers help us get out of our shells

Today I want to share some of the phrases that I have found useful. Just repeating one of these like a mantra can be a helpful tension reliever. These have come to me through various means through the years, but they really help and here they are in no particular order:

There is no pain in change – only in our resistance.…

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Intuitive Inner Knowledge – Accessing the Deeper Wisdom of Your Heart

You may not know how smart you really are.

You might not be aware of how much knowledge your soul has accumulated throughout its many journeys here on this Earth plane that equals your inner intuition. Nevertheless, you possess a tremendous amount of information, and up until now, your problem has been two-fold.

First, you may not have known you had this vast resource. Secondly, if you did know, you may not have known how to access it. So first things first – why didn’t you know?

Because when you came here to this human experience you deliberately left that knowledge in the care of your higher being or soul self – the larger part of you.…

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Inspired Action Vs Reaction – Understanding

Today I’d like to talk about action vs reaction.

Or let’s put it another way and call it inspired action vs reaction.

We spend a lot of our time reacting to things. Something breaks and we need to fix it. Something is asked of us and we have to come up with an answer. Hundreds of things happen to us during our day to day and we react to what is going on around us.

We spend many hours dealing with stuff that happens all the time.

action vs reaction

There are two ways of dealing with all those things

We can get a little tense, immediately want to do something, and jump into decision making without much thought.…

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the 7 stages of spiritual awakening can take time
Is time speeding up? An essay on cosmology and the spiritual effects we are experiencing

For centuries, people have looked to the stars and wondered about the mysteries of the universe. Nowadays, it seems like we constantly hear about new discoveries in cosmology that shed light on the way our universe works. But along with these exciting advancements comes a sense that time is speeding up. Some say this is due to the ever-increasing pace of life, while others believe it has more to do with cosmic forces at work. Either way, it’s clear that this phenomenon has great spiritual significance for humanity as a whole.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what might be causing time to speed up and what effect this could have on our lives going forward.…

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Finding Clarity Amidst Chaos: Understanding the Symptoms of Inner Peace

Have you ever felt like the world is spinning out of control and you can’t seem to keep up? If so, you’re not alone. We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world that can often feel overwhelming. The good news is that there is a way to find peace amidst the chaos. Through understanding the symptoms of inner peace, we can begin to create a more tranquil life for ourselves. Keep reading to learn more.

Defining “inner peace” and how it differs from happiness, contentment, etc.

Inner peace can be a tough concept to define and some might just say it is an oxymoron.…

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How to Connect with Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, there’s no denying that connecting with your guardian angels and spirit guides can be a powerful experience. If you’re open to the idea of communicating with these higher beings, here are some tips on how to connect with them. Who knows, you might just find the guidance and support you’ve been seeking!

Know that you are not alone – we all have guardian angels and spirit guides

Despite the physical distance between us, we are all connected. To a certain extent, it is almost like we all have an invisible team of spirit guides, watching over us and cheering us on.…

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