

Myths about meditation. The truth is it can be done anywhere
5 Mindfulness Trainings: The Surprising Health Benefits of Mindfulness and How to Achieve It

Mindfulness is a universal gift and it holds the key to restoring your spirit

You are more than a body. You are a spirit wearing a body. Your spirit needs refreshment, renewal, regeneration, and restoration on a regular basis. A lot of people never give their spirits what their spirits need.

Your spirit needs to focus within – to experience gratitude and solitude – to connect with elemental energies and animals – to get beyond the moment and go into a place of timelessness.

How do you do that? It might be easier than you think.

What is mindfulness exactly?

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6 Ways On How to Heal Wounded Feminine Energy

This is a Little Guide I made for women around the world to heal their wounded feminine energy

We all know the world is a little out of balance. There’s too much yang and not enough yin. Men are often out in the world, working hard and being assertive while women are left at home taking care of the children and holding down the fort. This imbalance can often lead to a lot of pain for the inner feminine. And this is not something that can be solved by just reading holistic healing books.

You’ve probably heard of “feminine energy” and “masculine energy” before.…

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7 Toxic Habits of Highly Spiritual People and How to Prevent Them

If you are suffering in life, chances are you have one (or more) of the seven toxic habits of spiritual people.

We all know someone who is “spiritual but not religious.” They might read their horoscope every day, meditate regularly, and even do yoga. But being spiritual doesn’t make you exempt from bad habits. In fact, there are certain habits that spiritual people are more likely to engage in than the average person.

We all have habits. Some of them are good for us and help us to grow in our spiritual lives. Others, not so much. In fact, there are seven toxic habits spiritual people often engage in that can hold them back from achieving their full potential.…

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Lightworkers of the world, unite! Everything you wanted to ask about Lightworkers

The term “lightworker” gets thrown around a lot these days, but what does it actually mean?

If you’re new to the spiritual side of energy healing, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about.

You may be feeling that sense that something is about to happen. You are right. You may be feeling the urge to do something. Right again. If you subscribe to any of the holistic message boards or channelings out there, you are probably hearing the same message coming to you from many sources. It is time to get to work. Lightworkers of the world, your time is now.…

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Holy Fire Reiki Symbols: The New Addition To Your Practice by William Lee Rand

Are you a practicing Reiki master looking for a new addition to your toolkit?

If so, look no further than Holy Fire Reiki. Introduced by William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training, Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki that comes with its own set of symbols for energy. In this blog post, we’ll learn what you need to know about them.

What is Holy Fire Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki is a type of energy healing that uses universal life energy to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The practice is said to date back to the time of Buddha, although the specific origin of Reiki is unknown.…

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Coping with change: all you need to know to succeed spiritually and maintain stoicism

It’s no secret that coping with change can be hard.

In fact, there’s a scientific reason for it. Our brains are wired to resist change because it’s seen as a threat to our survival. This instinct is known as the “status quo bias.” The status quo bias is a cognitive bias that favors the current situation or status quo over any alternative options.

The status quo bias is thought to be driven by two primary factors: loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy. Loss aversion refers to our tendency to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring gains. In other words, we would rather not lose what we have than gain something new.…

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How To Use A Pendulum: Awesome Techniques for Spiritual Development

This is a very concise guide on using a pendulum for spiritual work

A pendulum is a small, weighty object that is attached to a string or chain. It is often used as a tool for divination, or the act of seeking knowledge about the future or the unknown. In the spiritual realm, pendulum moves can be used for a variety of purposes, such as communicating with spirits, gaining insights into past lives, and understanding your destiny.

It is an ancient tool that has been used for thousands of years to communicate with the spiritual realm.

Of course, much of it is based on our own intuition and sense.

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A Comprehensive Guide On the Law of Attraction And Law Of Manifestation: Maximizing Positive Psychology

The first thing to know is: The Law of Attraction is More than Just Positive Thinking

We all know we should wear our seat belts, wash our hands before eating, take our vitamins, cut down on sugar and keep smiling. Does that mean we never have an accident, get sick, or are saddened by something? Of course not. We’re giving ourselves the best chance, in a rather dangerous world, to stay healthy, safe, and happy. Most people try to do those things to various degrees and get all kinds of different outcomes. Does that mean we stop trying? We don’t. We don’t chastise ourselves if we get the flu in spite of our best efforts.…

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Wear Gratitude Like a Cloak and Other Valuable Mantras

This might sound cheesy, but I live by the mantra “wear gratitude like a cloak”.

You know, it helps me focus on the good in life. So much around us is designed to disrupt our balance that it’s sometimes amazing we are still living.

Pretend you live in a large family. Your parents keep telling you to put your shoes over to the side when you take them off. Sometimes you remember, and sometimes you forget. Sometimes your brothers and sisters remember. Sometimes they forget. One day you walk into the house, trip over shoes that have been left in the middle of the floor, and you fall and break your ankle.…

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Don’t make assumptions: A crucial essay on balance, letting go and observing

I invite you to stop everything you are doing and read this article because it might be the most important one I write. Relax, there’s nowhere to rush to now. Make a conscious intention to just be present in the moment and enjoy merely being yourself.

Did you ever have one of those times where things were really going good, and you were in the flow, and you were manifesting, and all your energy was going out, out and out some more as thankfulness and appreciation and excitement and enthusiasm? Remember when you were working with energy and it was awesome?…

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