

An essay on the spiritual meaning of having important people in life

Having people in our lives is essential to our spiritual development.

We are social creatures, and without meaningful relationships we cannot fully grow or develop as human beings. Our interactions with others provide opportunities for us to learn, to love, and to be loved. They also give us a chance to practice being compassionate and understanding, two qualities that are essential for a happy and fulfilling life. So if you’re feeling alone or disconnected, reach out and connect with someone today. It could just make all the difference in your spiritual healing journey.

The value of human connection – why we need other people in our lives

Human connection is a crucial part of life that forms the cornerstone of our well-being and happiness.…

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How Many Critical Decisions Can You Make In A Day With a Decision Coin

Do you know what a decision coin is?

What if I told you there was a way to make your decision-making process more spiritual? Well, there is! Introducing the decision coin. If you’re looking for a more spiritual way to make decisions, this is it. The decision coin is a physical object that you can use to help you make choices. It’s simple: flip the coin and trust that the answer you receive is guidance from the universe. The beauty of using a decision coin is that it takes the pressure off of you and allows you to let go of attachment to any particular outcome.…

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How To Be Your Authentic Self – A Little Guide on Expressing your Soul

We all put on masks everyday. We wear them at work, around our friends, and even at home. Masks can be a good thing. They help us navigate the waters of social interaction and they protect our true selves from being hurt. But sometimes, we can get so caught up in wearing our masks that we forget who we are underneath them.

What being your “authentic self” means

Being your authentic self is about understanding and accepting who you are as a person and not hiding behind a mask. It means embracing qualities that make each of us unique, both good and bad, without feeling the need to pretend or compare ourselves to others.…

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Why are there Lightworkers On Earth? A Little Essay on This Marvelous Vocation for Humanity

We’ve previously been able to ask ourselves “Am I a Light Worker?”, but we haven’t asked “Why are there Lightworkers on Earth?”

Today let’s pretend. Pretend it’s a long, long, long time ago and we’re sitting somewhere in the Universe gazing at Planet Earth and seeing all her possibilities and all her pasts and all her probable futures. We’re all Masters – we and our friends (and there are a lot of us, tens of thousands – we come from a very big and loving family). We see the human species beginning to grow.

We see the creation of the Planet and the beauty that was built into it.…

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Maintaining Energetic Balance – Why is it Important and How to Do it

We all know how important it is to strike a balance in our lives. We must maintain a healthy diet, get enough exercise, and get enough sleep. We also know that we need to find ways to relax and de-stress. But what about our energetic balance? Just as our physical and emotional health are important, so is our spiritual health. Unfortunately, many of us don’t even think about our spiritual health until something goes wrong.

Why is it important to maintain our energetic balance? For one thing, when our energy is out of balance, we are more susceptible to sickness and disease.…

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How to Develop Compassion: 5 Proven Strategies to Uplift Yourself Spiritually

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it’s more important than ever to develop compassion for ourselves and others. But what exactly is compassion, and how can we cultivate it in our lives?

Compassion is often thought of as a capacity to feel empathy for the suffering of others. However, true compassion goes beyond simply feeling sorry for someone – it also involves taking action to help alleviate their pain.

Fortunately, there are many proven ways to develop compassion. Here are 5 strategies that you can start using today to uplift yourself spiritually:

  • 1. Get out of your comfort zone
  • 2. Be open-minded and nonjudgmental
  • 3.

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Creating Life Beyond Dualistic Thinking: How to Understand deeper spiritual ideas

I know I have spoken of this before but it bears repeating until humanity gets it: Most people have pre-conceived ideas about right and wrong. They will quite often search for information until they find validation of their personal beliefs. At that point they say, “yes, this is the truth – I knew it all along.”

Then they will resist anyone who doesn’t share their truth. That’s as far as they ever go. The only way we will ever advance beyond the divisions that have arisen in this country, is for each person to look at both sides of an issue fairly and squarely.…

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Passing Judgment – And Why This a Truly Despicable Spiritual Practice

We all know that it’s bad to judge others. We’ve been told this since we were young. And yet, we still do it all the time. Why is that?

One reason might be because we’re human and passing judgment is part of our nature.

But another reason might be because we don’t realize the harm that judgments can cause – not just to others, but to ourselves as well.

You see, when we judge others, we are actually closing ourselves off from them. We are creating a barrier between us and them that doesn’t allow for true understanding or connection. And on a spiritual level, this is very harmful.…

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How To Manifest What You Want – Awesome Techniques and To Force the Universe’s Hand

“There’s no such thing as luck,” they say. But you know what? I don’t believe that. I refuse to believe that. And do you want to know why? Because I think that we can create our own luck. We can force the universe to give us what we want, and in this blog post, I’m going to show you how.

These are powerful techniques that anyone can use to get what they desire. So if you’re ready to learn how to manifest your dreams, read on!”

Define what you want in clear, concise terms to manifest what you want

Knowing what you want is the first step to manifesting success and joy in your life.…

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<br>Practical Ways to Having Patience on Your Spiritual Healing Journey

Having patience is a virtue that is often said but seldom practiced.

It’s not easy to have patience, especially when you’re going through a tough time. But having patience is crucial for any undertaking, especially when it comes to your spiritual healing journey.

If you’re seeking spiritual healing, here are some practical ways to help you develop patience:

First and foremost, understand that everyone heals at their own pace. There is no “time limit” or “right way” to heal. second, be gentle with yourself. The process of spiritual healing can be taxing on your emotions and physical body, so allow yourself time to rest and rejuvenate.…

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