

How to Cultivate Unconditional Love with Loving Intentions and a Loving Heart

When we talk about cultivating love, it is important to understand that love starts with loving intentions.

Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to direct our loving intentions toward others, and when we do this with an attitude of openness and compassion, hearts naturally open in response.

However, if our intention is not genuinely loving – if it’s hidden behind agendas or expectations – then we may find ourselves struggling to cultivate the kind of unconditional love that we long for. So let’s explore how we can set loving intentions and open our hearts to receive and give love more fully.…

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How to Discover and Unleash Your Unique Skillset for the Greater Good

What if you could find and develop a hidden talent or skill that had the potential to change your life and the lives of others for the better? Workflow is all about identifying and developing your natural talents and abilities so you can put them to work in service of others.

Take inventory of the things you’re good at – we all have strengths and weaknesses, so focus on your strengths

Taking an honest inventory of the things you’re good at is important. We all have strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to focus on our strengths instead of dwelling on our weaknesses.…

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Everything Carries Energy – Discovering The Benefits Of Connecting With Spiritual Energies In Everyday Life

Every single thing in your world, in your daily life, and in your surroundings carries energy. Your morning coffee might carry the energy of a new day and renewal. It might carry the energy of grabbing onto a lifeline to keep you going. That worn out t-shirt might carry the energy of the night you met someone special, or the concert that will live in your heart forever because of the way it made you feel.The items you surround yourself with carry past energies of triumphs or failures – of wins or losses – of comfort or chaos.

Because of the fact that you have spent all your life learning to balance energy from a thousand different sources that surround you constantly, you have gotten pretty good at it.…

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What Does God Give Us That Money Can’t Buy?

What does God give us – and to all humanity – and to all the Angels and all creation?


Absolutely everything.

Nothing is ever held back.

God gives all He is.

His essence is to be found within every speck of his creation. And He gives in pure joy. Do you consider that very often? That God is joyous? That He exists in a state of perfect balance? And holds the universe in perfect balance? – He gives all He is in purest love and joy, and He receives back everything His creation has to offer in purest love and joy.…

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Unlocking the Awesome Mysteries of Distant Healing Like Distant Reiki and Phone Readings

If you’re a spiritual enthusiast, then you know that there’s a lot of mystery surrounding these modalities.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the awesome mysteries of distant healing and Reiki so that you can understand how they work on a deeper level. Whether you’re a practitioner or just curious about these topics, keep reading to unlock the secrets of distant healing and Reiki!

What is distant healing and how does it work?

Distant healing is a holistic approach where practitioners use a range of techniques, such as Reiki and yoga, which can be delivered at a distance rather than in person.…

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Nesara could have brought a lot of evil to the world
Power Is Within You – How Awaken People Can Bring Substantial Change in Society

Some people still live with the belief that our leaders have our best interests at heart. I’m sure some of them do. I know some of them do. The political machine holds the power and the money and the influence does not. They have their interests first. The influential and powerful who really run things from behind the scenes don’t really care what happens to us.

In fact, if there were fewer of us to contend with it would be alright with them.

But the truth is the power is within you and me.

They have engineered diseases in laboratories that were unheard of in mankind decades ago.…

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<br>The Spiritual Significance of Tithing in the Bible: Empowering People

The act of giving tithes, or donating a tenth of our income to the poor, is often seen as a purely financial act.

However, tithing in the bible also has significant spiritual consequences that can empower people.

Tithing is seen as an act of faith and obedience to God. It is an acknowledgment that everything we have ultimately comes from Him. When we give our tithes, we say that we trust God to provide for us and meet our needs. This act of faith can have a profound effect on our lives, opening up doors of blessings and provision from God.…

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Are You Committed Or Interested

I read this question being asked of someone this week – ‘Are you committed or interested?’, and the person replied, ‘well, I don’t know, so I guess that means I’m only highly interested.

“Correct!” was the response, “Because if you’re actually committed to something – anything – then nothing, I mean nothing, will get in your way. Is that true?”

If we look at our lives and the things we have accomplished, we will see that a lot of them came into being only because of our commitment to them.

are you committed or interested?

You probably have a lot of things that you want, desire, are interested in or would like to have, but how many of those things are you committed to starting, following through no matter what, and achieving.…

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Understanding the Essential Difference Between Self Esteem vs Ego

How you view and relate to yourself makes up a huge part of your overall spirituality.

Your self-esteem is how you see and feel about yourself, while your ego is the image that you present to the world.

It’s crucial to understand the difference between self esteem vs ego, because they can have a big impact on your spiritual journey.

Ego is about how you view yourself in relation to others and the world around you.

Being aware of the ego and its expansive power in your life has become increasingly important in recent times due to the interconnection of people through digital technologies.…

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7 Easy Ways to Develop the Practice of Thinking Before You Speak from a Spiritual Standpoint

We all know the saying, “think before you speak.” But how many of us actually take the time to do so? We live in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with information and stimulation, and it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to think about what we’re about to say.

However, taking a few moments to pause and reflect before speaking can make a big difference. When we take the time to think about what we want to say, we’re more likely to communicate our message more effectively. Not only that, but, thinking before you speak can help you avoid saying something you might regret later.…

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