

The New Holistic Star: What is Probiotic Multi Enzyme Used For And Its Great Benefits

All You Need to Know About Probiotic Multi-Enzyme Supplements

If you are on a spiritual healing journey, that is, wanting to be closer to God and your true self, you need to take care of your body. This means cutting as much unhealthy food as possible, exercising, meditating and maybe even taking some vitamins.

Probiotics are nowadays more popular than ever, with people of all ages taking them for various reasons.

You’ve probably heard of probiotics before. They are live microorganisms (usually bacteria) that have many health benefits when consumed. But what about probiotic enzymes? Probiotic enzymes are made by bacteria and help to improve digestion and nutrient absorption.…

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Concocting Bliss – Learn About 11 Amazing Essential Oil Blends for Happiness

I was actually shocked to know that there actually are essential oil blends for happiness

Achieving happiness may seem like a daunting task, but I’m here to help! A key component of happiness is taking care of oneself, and what better way to do that than by using essential oils? Essential oils have been used for centuries to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some of our favorite essential oil blends for happiness.

Lemon Essential Oil Blend

Lemon essential oil is known for its ability to uplift mood, reduce stress, and promote concentration.

When diffused, lemon oil can help to create a refreshing and energetically positive atmosphere.…

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Answering the Burning Question of a Lifetime: Is Reiki A Closed Practice?

I feel there’s something that needs to be clarified.

When it comes to Reiki, there are two schools of thought:

Those who believe that the practice is open to anyone and everyone, and those who believe that Reiki should be a closed practice.

In this blog post, we’ll make the case for open Reiki practices.

What do I mean by that?

Well, basically…

The Foundation of Reiki Is Inclusivity

At its core, Reiki is based on the principle of inclusivity—the belief that everyone deserves access to healing energy. This principle was enshrined in the very first tenet of the Usui System of Natural Healing: “Just for today, I will not anger.”…

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicine for Gallbladder Stone

Homeopathic medicine can treat a variety of diseases

Gallbladder stones are a common occurrence, affecting over 25% of the population. They are usually made of cholesterol and can range in size from tiny grains to large pebbles.

They can cause pain, discomfort, and even serious health complications.

However, there are a number of homeopathic medicines that can help to ease the symptoms and improve overall health. While there are many conventional treatments available, some people prefer to seek out homeopathic alternatives.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the doctor, and I prefer it to stay that way. Before ever scheduling an appointment, I always try to look for natural, non-invasive, treatments that can help me.…

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Are You Waking Up Yet? The 4 Elements of Flow State and Why it is Important for Spiritual Growth

The flow state is a mental device that enables you to tap into your inner strength

You’ve probably heard of “flow state” before. Maybe you’ve even achieved it on occasion without knowing what it was. But what exactly is flow state? And why is it important for spirituality?

Flow state, also known as “the zone,” is a mental state in which a person is fully focused and immersed in the task at hand. This state of complete absorption can lead to heightened creativity, productivity, and satisfaction. In other words, the flow state is the sweet spot where peak performance meets total enjoyment.…

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How To Start Practicing Reiki Level 1: A Brief Guide to the Curious Beginner

Reiki Level 1 already enables you to start healing and it doesn’t take long to learn

Have you been feeling called to learn energy healing but feel a bit intimidated about getting started?

If you’re new to the world of Reiki, the idea of tapping into subtle energy fields may sound a bit far-fetched. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not as woo-woo as it sounds. In fact, Reiki is a form of natural healing that anyone can learn regardless of religion.

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine that is based on the principle of energy healing.…

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The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening: A Short Primer on Maximising Life Changing Experiences

Have you ever wondered what it means to be spiritually awake? If you have, then you are not alone. In fact, spiritual awakening is a topic that has intrigued people for centuries. While there is no definitive answer to this question, there are generally agreed-upon stages of spiritual awakening.

Here we will explore these seven stages in-depth and give you some tips on how to succeed at each stage.

A Very Brief History of Mankind

Sometimes it helps us understand our lives by seeing the bigger picture. In the beginning, this world was perfect and beautiful in every way and so were we.…

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change your mindset or you may cause your own problems
Nesara – More than Just a Conspiracy Theory

Uncovering the Truth Behind the Nesara Proposal: Understand its Dangers and Implications for Humanity

Are you ready to delve into the world of hidden secrets and uncover the truth behind the Nesara Proposal? This highly debated topic has stirred discussions among spiritualists, conspiracy theorists, and political pundits alike. Recently garnering attention amid murky circumstances, it is time for us to unpack its implications for humanity’s future. Join me as I explore this proposal—its origins, ambitions, dangers—and share my insights on why we should approach such a revolutionary concept with caution.

Introduction to the Nesara Proposal – what is it, what does it entail, origins of the concept

The Nesara Proposal, also known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, is a proposed congressional reform bill that promises to bring sweeping economic and governmental changes.…

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The Meaning of 2010

I waken to the morning sun

In hopes this day will make it clear –

Why my soul has brought me here.

Are you aware of what happened in 2010?

I share with you today some of the things that came out of our Meditation Class back in 2010:

During that solstice we received more Light than we have ever experienced since the fall of Atlantis. The Light has come and receded before, like the ocean waves hitting the shore, but this time it came, and it will stay in a very intensified form. Light = Love = Information. You cannot separate the Light and the Love – and when your life is illumined in this way there will be no more hiding from the dark shadows.…

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Karmic Partner Vs. Twin Flame: What’s the big difference?

If you’re a spiritual person, chances are you’ve heard the terms “karmic partner” and “twin flame” thrown around before. And, there’s a lot of confusion out there about these 2 concepts.

But what exactly do these terms mean? And more importantly, how can you tell the difference between a karmic partner and a twin flame?

So let’s set the record straight: a karmic partner is not the same thing as a twin flame. In fact, there are some important differences between the two that you should know about.

If you’ve been asking yourself this question, then you’ve come to the right place!…

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