

Understanding the Mysterious Fire Energy and emotions it include

Have you ever wondered what the “mysterious fire” energy is all about?

Do you feel like you’re always drawn to things that are a little bit out of your comfort zone? If so, then this post is definitely for you! We’ll be talking about what the fire energy represents, how it can impact your emotions, and some tips on how to work with it.

So whether you’re new to the spiritual world or just looking to expand your understanding, read on!

What is the Fire energy? 

Fire energy is a powerful force that imbues us with passion and enthusiasm. It is a transformational power that stirs our souls and encourages us to take action.…

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Change Your Words Change Your Mindset Means Changing Your Life And The World Around You

Changing Your Mindset

Do you believe that you will never get to take the vacation of your dreams – or that you will never find real friends or romance – or that you will probably never feel any better – or that the chance you have of having the life you want is slim to none?

What things do you tell yourself on a regular basis that may or may not be true? I heard a motivational speaker talk on this subject just the other night. She asked you to list all the negative things you tell yourself, and then underneath, list all the things that are really true.…

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Sending Your Light Ahead Of You – How To Perform This Special Spiritual Practice

Here’s a wonderful spiritual practice that many successful happy people share: They always send their light and love ahead of them. They don’t wait to feel the energy of a place before they respond, they initiate.

The Spiritual Technique Sending Your Light Ahead Of You

We all know that light is essential for our survival. It’s what helps us see in the dark, find our way when we’re lost, and feel warm when we’re cold. But did you know that light also has a spiritual purpose?

Just like our physical bodies need light to live, our spiritual bodies need light as well.…

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The Incredible Importance Positive Affirmations in Relationships

We all know how important communication is in any relationship. But did you know that the words you speak to yourself are just as important? That’s right – the things you say to yourself matter just as much as what you say to your partner. In fact, Positive Affirmations can be a powerful tool to help improve your relationship. Here’s why…

Defining positive affirmations and their purpose in relationships

Positive affirmations are words of encouragement and support that we can use to help strengthen the bonds in a relationship. By regularly telling our loved ones how much they mean to us, we send the message that we value and appreciate them for being in our lives.…

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Why Are We Here On Earth And Other Essential Questions

It really is all about love.

When we are on the other side, before coming here, all we know is pure love. There are no degrees of love. Therefore, no competition, no jealousy, or comparisons. It is only when we come to earth that we get to look at it a whole different way. The planet of duality and free will offers you that point of view.

When you are here you can see love in all its aspects.

You can love a puppy or a hot fudge sundae or a beautiful day. You can love the feeling of comfort when your headache goes away.…

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The Illusions Of Time And Why We Are So Confused

Time – is it on your side? Do you fight against it? Do you think it is static and unmovable? Actually time is a great illusion. If you are doing something you love, a minute hardly counts at all. If you are trying to hold your breath, or the dentist is drilling in your mouth, a minute lasts a long, long time. The last 2 minutes of a football game can stretch on and on.

We can either use time to our advantage, or give it power over us to make us anxious.

If you have a reasonable departure time in mind, and a reasonable arrival time as well, how do you spend the time in between?…

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7 Tips on Finding Clarity in an Unclear World: Making the Most Out of Time

Clarity is something that we often seek but can rarely find. In an age where the world is constantly changing, it’s hard to get a grasp on what we should be doing with our lives. But there are some things that you can do to finding clarity in an unclear world. Here are 7 tips on making the most out of your time:

  1. Know Your Why
  2. Set Goals and Intentions
  3. Get Clear On Your Values
  4. Find a Mentor or Teacher
  5. Take Time for Reflection
  6. Experiment and Try New Things
  7. Be Patient and Trust the Process

Finding clarity isn’t always easy, but by following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to living a more fulfilling life!…

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Effects Of Volcanic Eruptions And What We Can Learn From Them

I am writing to you from Western New York State in the US. Here in Western New York – and possibly where you are – it is relatively calm. We are safely surrounded by the Great Lakes and experience very little in the way of hurricanes, volcanoes or earthquakes, compared to many other places on earth. For our friends in other parts of the world, volcanic eruptions are a fact of life, and much damage and heartache are the result. For many, their world is forever changed, and our hearts go out to everyone experiencing difficulties from earth changes, and we send all our light and strength to help them.…

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Never Forget – You Are A Master Spirit And An Empowered Human Being

We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience, and not vice-versa as we have been taught. Our true nature is spirit, and our physical bodies are just the vehicles that allow us to experience life in this world. However, most of us identify solely with our physical bodies and see ourselves as nothing more than flesh and blood. We forget that we are so much more than that.

Connecting with our spirituality can help us to lead richer, fuller lives and to better understand who we really are. It can also help us to find peace and calm in a chaotic world.…

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Hold Yourself Accountable And Start Being The Best You Can Be

If you’re not holding yourself accountable, you’re not allowing yourself to reach your full potential. It’s a sign of spiritual maturity to be able to hold oneself accountable and it is essential for spiritual growth. Learn how you can start being the best you can be by holding yourself accountable.

What does it mean to hold yourself accountable?

Being accountable is about not only taking responsibility for one’s own actions, but also having a willingness to accept the consequences of those choices. It is an essential part of developing maturity in character and understanding that one’s decisions have implications beyond themselves.…

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