

The Best Predictor of Future Behavior – How Past Behavior Can Help Us Predict The Future Accurately

Most people know that ‘the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior’. That may have been true-er at one time.

Now, things are getting trickier. The world is changing. People are changing. We’re changing. Energy is changing.

Nevertheless, the best predictor of future behavior is still past behavior. If you want to know what someone is going to do in the future, look at their past behavior. It’s the best predictor of future behavior. This is true for individuals and groups alike.

Whether we’re trying to predict someone’s future actions or the outcome of a situation, past behavior is always the best indicator.…

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What Is Grace and Forgiveness, Their Benefits, And How They Impact Karmic Justice

The difference between grace and forgiveness, and their many aspects in karmic justice

There are many aspects to karmic justice, and two of the most important concepts are grace and forgiveness. It’s important to understand the difference between these two ideas, as they can have a profound impact on our lives. Grace is often seen as a divine gift, while forgiveness is more about letting go of anger and resentment. Both concepts have their place in karmic justice, and it’s important to learn how to use them both wisely.

Grace and forgiveness according to karmic justice teachings

In terms of karmic justice teachings, grace and forgiveness can be seen as two sides of the same coin.…

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What Is Our Purpose On Earth And How Do You Reach It?

What Are You Here For?

Okay – it’s probably time for some introspection. New Year – new beginnings – will do that to you.

Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life? What IS our purpose on earth? What it’s all about? What are you here for?

Many books have been written – countless thesis on the meaning of life. You could probably explore that topic forever, but I’ll share my viewpoint, since it’s pretty short: We’re here to experience life as a physical being and we’re here to uplift our fellow man. Pretty simple, right?

We are, at our core, Divine Beings on a Divine Journey of exploration of the physical.

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A Deep Dive into the Real Science of Astrology and Numerology

Astrology and numerology have long been regarded as “fake science” by skeptics. Still, there is actually a great deal of evidence that suggests that these ancient practices are in fact actual sciences. Numerology, for example, is based on Jewish Gematria and has been used for centuries to assess people’s personalities and life paths accurately.

To better understand why astrology and numerology are real sciences, let’s take a deeper look at each.

Astrology — What Is It?

Astrology is an ancient practice that involves interpreting celestial events to gain insight into people’s lives. It is believed that the position of planets in relation to one another affects our lives in various ways, from our relationships to our career paths.…

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Karmic Partner Vs. Twin Flame: What’s the big difference?

If you’re a spiritual person, chances are you’ve heard the terms “karmic partner” and “twin flame” thrown around before. And, there’s a lot of confusion out there about these 2 concepts.

But what exactly do these terms mean? And more importantly, how can you tell the difference between a karmic partner and a twin flame?

So let’s set the record straight: a karmic partner is not the same thing as a twin flame. In fact, there are some important differences between the two that you should know about.

If you’ve been asking yourself this question, then you’ve come to the right place!…

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Understanding Karma Easily: How to Use the Laws of the Universe for your Benefit

What is Karma? And why does it seem to be working against me?

Have you thought this before?

The principle of Karma eludes many people nowadays. In order to understand it in depth, we need to stop believing fantasies and get real about how the universe and spiritual reality work. In this article, we will delve deeper into this mysterious idea.

Karma is often spoken about in hushed tones, as though it’s a magical force that we don’t quite understand. But the truth is, karma is a very real concept and one that can be harnessed to create positive change in our lives.…

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Crafting a Conscious Life: 5 Ways to Enjoy the Rewards of Living Mindfully

Are you seeking a more mindful, conscious life?

Conscious Life is something we all need to pay attention to, learn about, think about, and put into practice in our lives. Why? Because we are creating our lives in every moment. The life you are experiencing today is the life you thought into existence yesterday – and last week – and last year.

Because of the way the 3rd dimension was designed, it appears that life happens sequentially – one thing after another. It would seem that life goes in a straight line and your past is always behind you, and your future always ahead.…

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Coping with change: all you need to know to succeed spiritually and maintain stoicism

It’s no secret that coping with change can be hard.

In fact, there’s a scientific reason for it. Our brains are wired to resist change because it’s seen as a threat to our survival. This instinct is known as the “status quo bias.” The status quo bias is a cognitive bias that favors the current situation or status quo over any alternative options.

The status quo bias is thought to be driven by two primary factors: loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy. Loss aversion refers to our tendency to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring gains. In other words, we would rather not lose what we have than gain something new.…

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Wear Gratitude Like a Cloak and Other Valuable Mantras

This might sound cheesy, but I live by the mantra “wear gratitude like a cloak”.

You know, it helps me focus on the good in life. So much around us is designed to disrupt our balance that it’s sometimes amazing we are still living.

Pretend you live in a large family. Your parents keep telling you to put your shoes over to the side when you take them off. Sometimes you remember, and sometimes you forget. Sometimes your brothers and sisters remember. Sometimes they forget. One day you walk into the house, trip over shoes that have been left in the middle of the floor, and you fall and break your ankle.…

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Don’t make assumptions: A crucial essay on balance, letting go and observing

I invite you to stop everything you are doing and read this article because it might be the most important one I write. Relax, there’s nowhere to rush to now. Make a conscious intention to just be present in the moment and enjoy merely being yourself.

Did you ever have one of those times where things were really going good, and you were in the flow, and you were manifesting, and all your energy was going out, out and out some more as thankfulness and appreciation and excitement and enthusiasm? Remember when you were working with energy and it was awesome?…

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