Multiple Lives, Past Lives Future Lives And Your Current Life

Coming to a true understanding of who we are, our capabilities, our gifts, and our essences takes lifetimes.

That’s why we have them – why we come back into form time after time.

Multiple lives, past lives and future lives is a reality that is accepted by more and more people every day. Having only one life of deprivation and suffering while another person might have one life of affluence and accolades makes so sense at all if that’s the only life you ever have. Looking at those lives from a point of view of ‘one of many’ it makes perfect sense.

We have been everything, done everything, been everywhere, explored and explored and explored and in this lifetime we are exploring once more. You chose your current body and current life experiences for the benefits and the challenges that would be presented. Let’s look at life like ice cream. Let’s pretend there are 144 flavors of ice cream.

Since you can’t try all 144 ice cream flavors in one trip to the ice cream store (earth), you make 144 trips (lives). Some flavors are more enjoyable than others, but you speak from first hand experience when you know what you prefer and what you don’t prefer. You have the experience now to discard some flavors from the list and add some flavorings to others that might enhance them.

Then you make additional trips for additional tastings to see how your new creations are going over. And so it goes. Most of us are discovering that the taste of this life needs some tweaking – some people want to throw out the whole recipe and start over.

Most people just want a major overhaul. That’s just what we’re getting. Particularly here in the USA, we will have our opportunity during the August eclipse and again during an event in October, to radically change the current recipe. It’s time to throw out the ingredients that never worked, and experiment with new colors and flavors that seem really promising. We’re talking about your life here. If something doesn’t work, let it go. If something is bringing you down, release it.

If there is something you always wanted to try, go for it. Now is the time. There will never be another, better time. This is the life that we have collectively agreed to clean out the ice cream store and start offering the best of the best of the best. Cleaning can be tedious, tiring and make us wonder if we have the strength to get it done.

We do. We will.

Use the August eclipse to envision your highest and best happiness and joy. That will prepare you for the events of October, when we will have a good grasp on the cleaning, and the plans for the renovations will be unveiled. If you need a break, take one.

When you’re ready to get back to work everyone on the project will be very happy. There will be future lives and they can be glorious beyond belief. Let’s set the stage for that in this lifetime – and enjoy the remainder of this lifetime in a new way as long as we’re at it.

Many Blessings.

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