How to Bless Your House: A Comprehensive Essay on The Spiritual Essence of Home

Understanding how to bless your house

Do you ever feel like your home is just a place to eat and sleep? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget that our homes are so much more than just physical structures. Our homes are our sanctuaries—places where we can relax, recharge, and reconnect with our true selves.

But what exactly is the spiritual importance of our homes?

Defining home

For most people their home is their sanctuary – it’s where you go at the end of a long day to unwind, relax, and just be ‘you’. If it is serving all your needs just as it is, that is a beautiful thing. For many people, though, there is always something about their house that displeases them. Perhaps it isn’t cleaned, decorated, or straightened up to their liking.

If your home is not bringing you peace and joy at this minute, then let’s do something about it – starting now.

I’m sure we all have projects that we will get to someday – that doesn’t really matter. You don’t have to have everything completely finished and perfect to bless your house. In fact, have you ever gone to a friend’s home where everything was in place, and no speck of dust could be seen anywhere, and yet it felt uncomfortable in some way? Perhaps it was too perfect. Maybe you didn’t feel like you could kick off your shoes and curl up on the couch and relax.

bless your house, wherever it is

And that’s what I want to talk to you about today – how your house feels. If you are particularly sensitive in any way at all, your surroundings are impacting you in every moment. For me, personally, I have a problem with disorder. If things are very chaotic around me, I feel equally as chaotic internally. In order to feel peace within, I have to observe peace without. Not perfection mind you – just peace.

Our homes are a reflection of ourselves. They are a physical manifestation of who we are and what we believe in. When we take the time to create a space that is beautiful, comfortable, and safe, we are sending a powerful message to the Universe: I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be loved. I deserve to be safe.

Even those who aren’t particularly aware are impacted by their surroundings on a subliminal level. Every item you own has a personal energy. Every thing you interact with has an energetic interaction with you. Picture owning thousands of items. Then picture thousands of tiny pieces of thread going from your heart to each and every one of them. If you have enough ‘stuff’ it can really weigh you down.

Loving your house

Now if you love each and every thing, that’s fine. Your heart is being nurtured. But if some of those things are just taking up space, they are also taking up heart space that could be used more efficiently.

A good rule to follow is this: to only own things that you love or that serve you. If you really want to get to this problem on a deeper level, spend some time holding each of your possessions and asking “what purpose do you serve in my life?” You toothbrush may inspire you with a practical reason. A bunch of dried flowers may have a lovely emotional reason to be there. An old pair of shoes might feel unloved, unwanted and unused, and deserve to be recycled to a higher purpose.

An unused kitchen appliance may want to go to someone who will take delight in it. Of course you don’t need to do this with everything you own – but try it with a few things to see where your attachments really lie. You may discover you are surrounded by things that don’t mean anything at all. Or you may discover that you already have the innate ability to choose instinctively only what serves you.

Your Home is healing you

Now let’s get down to the really important function of your home – to nurture you. We’ve talked about what is seen – but you live even more with what is unseen.

Our homes are also places of healing. Whenever we experience pain or heartache, it’s natural to retreat to the safety of our homes. There’s something about being in our own space that helps us to heal and move on from whatever is troubling us. In fact, many people find that their home is the only place where they feel truly comfortable and at peace.

Our homes are a source of protection. They shield us from the harshness of the outside world and provide a space for us to relax and rejuvenate. It’s no coincidence that the word “home” is often used as a metaphor for feeling safe and secure. When we’re in our homes, we know that we can let our guard down and just be ourselves.

Finally, just as each person is an individual with their own unique talents and gifts, each home has its own special purpose. When you’re in alignment with the purpose of your home, you’re able to create magic. Whether you’re using your home to raise a family or build a business, when you tap into its unique energy, anything is possible.

Spirits can also bless your house

Energy is everywhere. It comes from possessions. It comes from people. We bring it with us every time we enter. It lives in the walls and in the floors. It comes from beings in Spirit who reside there or walk with us as Guardians and Guides or who come at our invitation – or who sometimes come uninvited.

There could have been some spiritual presence living there when you moved in. They may be completely benign and you are completely unaware of them. Your grandmother and grandfather may be frequent visitors because you think of them often and wish they were there. Therefore, they are. Your own Guardian Angel and the Guardians and Guides of other family members are also present. When they are doing the job they are contracted to do, you don’t know they are there either. Not until you deliberately decide that you would like a conscious relationship. That can be a whole lot of fun, and probably a discussion for another day.

Nevertheless, your home is filled with energy – some supportive – and some draining. Your home deserves energetic clearing as much or more than it requires periodic dusting. If you have never done this, you are in for a real treat.

If you have a lot of antiques, or things that came from garage sales, they came to you with someone else’s energy already attached. They need to be cleared and brought into harmony with your energy. Even new items that have been bounced around during transport can feel less than settled. You need to get them ready to go to work for you.

Today I am going to offer a few practical solutions to clear both your home and your possessions. If, after trying these, you still feel uncomfortable, I would recommend contacting someone who works with energy and can help you clear at a deeper level.

For many people, though, the following suggestions may bring a lot of peace:

1. Stand in the middle of each room and give thanks. Give thanks for the things the room will provide. Thank the stove for cooking, or the TV for entertaining, or the bathtub for cleansing or the bed for providing wonderful rest.

2. Ask God to bless the things that are in the room to your highest and best good.

3. Touch each wall and thank it for its support.

4. By your intention, fill the space with Golden White Light.

5. Ask your Angels to be present for protection and guidance.

6. If any particular objects attract your attention, hold them and ask that any negative energies be transmuted and that they be filled with love.

You should only do this when you are alone, or with someone else who is putting out positive energy toward this process. If you like you can play some beautiful music and carry with you a lighted candle.

This is certainly only a preliminary, and a very cursory glimpse into working with the energy of your surroundings, but I hope I have given you some incentive to begin.

Please reach out for help, if something in your space is not serving you.


As you can see, there is great spiritual importance in creating a happy, healthy home environment. So next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a step back and consider how you can make your home into a sanctuary—a place where you can relax, heal, and find peace. After all, your home should be a reflection of your innermost self.

If you believe that your home is your “sanctuary,” then you already know that there’s more to your house than just four walls and a roof. One of the most important things about your home is that it’s a reflection of you. Your home is a physical manifestation of your inner self, and as such, it contains all of your energy and vibrations.

Everything in your home — from the furniture to the photos on the wall — has been chosen by you, and as such, it reflects your unique taste and style. When you walk into your home, you should feel like you’re walking into a part of yourself. There’s so much we can learn from the places we live in (and others live in as well).

Finally, your home is important to your spiritual well-being because it provides a space for you to connect with the people and things that matter most to you. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones or connecting with nature, when you’re in your home, you’re able to focus on what’s most important to you.

When you’re surrounded by the people and things that bring you joy, it’s easier to maintain a positive outlook on life. And remember, there’s happiness beyond thought.

Bless your house and bless yourself


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