7 Toxic Habits of Highly Spiritual People and How to Prevent Them

If you are suffering in life, chances are you have one (or more) of the seven toxic habits of spiritual people.

We all know someone who is “spiritual but not religious.” They might read their horoscope every day, meditate regularly, and even do yoga. But being spiritual doesn’t make you exempt from bad habits. In fact, there are certain habits that spiritual people are more likely to engage in than the average person.

We all have habits. Some of them are good for us and help us to grow in our spiritual lives. Others, not so much. In fact, there are seven toxic habits spiritual people often engage in that can hold them back from achieving their full potential.

Let’s explore each of these habits in depth so you can start moving forward with your spiritual life and start opening to spirit.

But first, let’s understand a few things about them.

How should I feel about these toxic habits?

One of the most important aspects of being spiritual is setting intentions. Without intention, our actions are aimless and directionless. We may think we know what we’re doing, but without an intention or purpose, we’re just going through the motions. Make sure to set aside some time each day to set a choice for your day—and be specific! For example, instead of intending to “have a good day,” try something like, “I intend to radiate love and compassion today.”

This should be like the Reiki Mantra of “Just for today I will be compassionate” or “Just for today, I won’t get angry”. Remember: your toxic habits are ingrained in you, so it might take a few days and some serious intentions to transform them into good. If you are serious, then make this a mindfulness daily exercise.

Toxic habits are like a storm ready to uproot your soul (the tree).

This necessarily will require God’s help. So, we always ask: what does God require of me?

Some people might say ‘nothing’ and they may be right. Because of the whole free will thing, exactly how and when we re-establish our connection to our Loving Source is completely up to us. But there’s a price to pay. If we don’t manage it in this lifetime, we will have to address that issue at some other time and some other space. And nobody wants that, right?

Some people might have a very long list in response to that question, and they may be right as well. Many of us have to work through a lot of filters, habits, beliefs, fears, and accumulated ‘stuff’, from lifetime after lifetime, before we start to realize the truth.

There comes a point in our journey, however, while working our way through that list, that we awaken to the simplicity of it all.

So what does God require of me? God has one requirement – that I do what is needed to come home to the truth of who I am. He will wait as long as it takes for me to arrive at that conclusion. This is real ancient healing at its finest, by the way, way before all the holistic healing books we see nowadays promising “seven strategies for wealth and happiness” appeared.

But the point is, if I persevere, there will come a day when I am able to look inside myself and see that God has placed his wondrous shining essence there, waiting to be discovered, betwixt my toxic habits. At that moment, all I need to do is let that essence shine forth – back to my Creator, and radiating out to everyone else.

It’s important to be conscious of your failings, as they can elude us into thinking that we are more righteous than we actually are. And this can be very detrimental. Above all, remember that overthinking kills your happiness, and wear gratitude like a cloak.

So now, without further ado…

Toxic Habit #1: Overestimating Their Own Importance

One of the most common—and most annoying—habits of spiritual people is thinking they’re more important than they really are. They might believe they’re more intuitive than other people or that the universe revolves around them. If you find yourself thinking you’re the center of the universe, it’s time for a reality check. We’re all special snowflakes, but we’re not that special. Everyone has intuition and everyone is connected to the universe in some way. So cut yourself down to size and start thinking about others for a change.

Sometimes, because people consider themselves too important, they resist change. But change is inevitable—it’s one of the only things in life that is constant. But even though change is a natural part of life, many people resist it because they’re afraid of the unknown or they don’t like feeling out of control.

However, when you’re a spiritual person, it’s important to embrace change because it allows you to grow and expand into new areas. It’s part of your own spiritual growth. So instead of resisting change (and keeping your toxic habits), welcome it with open arms. Who knows? You might just surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.

Toxic Habit #2: Judging Others Too Harshly

Just as it’s important not to judge yourself, it’s also important not to judge others. When you do, it only creates negativity and division. Instead of judging others, try to understand them by also feeling their energy. Put yourself in their shoes and see the world from their perspective. You may be surprised at how much more compassionate you become.

Spiritual people tend to be quick to judge others, especially if they don’t live up to their own high standards. If you find yourself constantly judging others, try to remember that we’re all on our own journey. Just because someone has more toxic habits than you, it doesn’t mean they’re bad or wrong. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have.

It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and finding them wanting—especially when we see them engaging in behavior that we deem “wrong.” But when we judge others harshly, we’re really just judging ourselves.

Everyone is on their own unique path, and they deserve respect just as much as you do and some of them might even be wondering how to start a spiritual healing journey, and this might just be your call!

Toxic Habit #3: Being Close-minded

Just because you’re spiritual doesn’t mean you have all the answers—or that your way is the only way. Unfortunately, many spiritual people are quite close-minded. They might believe that their beliefs are the only correct beliefs or that their way of life is the only correct way of life. This close-mindedness can prevent you from growing and learning new things and is one of the worst toxic habits.

It can also make you seem arrogant and judgmental to others. So instead of being close-minded, try to be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. You might be surprised at what you learn.

As a result of this, one of the most harmful things we can do is become attached to outcomes—that is, we fixate on how we want something to turn out instead of remaining open to whatever may happen. This kind of attachment creates rigidity and inflexibility, which can prevent us from achieving our goals. It also robs us of the joy of the present moment because we’re always living in the future. So instead of attachment, practice detachment—let go of your need for control and trust that whatever happens will be for the best.

Toxic Habit #4: Taking Things Too Seriously

Life is meant to be enjoyed, but many spiritual people take things too seriously. They might get wrapped up in their own problems and forget to enjoy the good moments. Or they might take themselves so seriously that they can’t laugh at themselves when they make a mistake. If you find yourself taking things too seriously, try to lighten up a bit.

No, seriously.

Laugh at yourself when you make a mistake and enjoy the good moments while they last. Life is too short to be so serious all the time!

This is also one of the really bad toxic habits. As a result of this, many spiritual people engage in people-pleasing—that is, they put other people’s needs before their own or they try to please everyone all the time instead of being true to themselves.

This can be harmful because it leads to resentment and frustration when we don’t get our needs met or when we try to please someone who is impossible to please. So instead of being a people-pleaser, learn to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. It’s okay to say “no” sometimes—in fact, it’s necessary if you want to live a happy and fulfilled life.

Toxic Habit #5: Being Perfectionists

Many spiritual people strive for perfection in all areas of their lives—and end up missing out on a lot of good experiences because of it. If you’re a perfectionist, try to relax a bit and give yourself some grace. Remember that no one is perfect and that it’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. Don’t miss out on good experiences because you’re afraid you might not do them perfectly!

As a result of being a “perfectionist”, a related habit spiritual people often engage in is playing the victim card. This is when you blame other people or circumstances for your problems instead of taking responsibility for your own life. Yes, bad things happen to good people sometimes. That’s a simple fact of life and blaming others is karma for cheaters 101.

But that doesn’t mean you have to be a victim of your circumstances. You always have a choice in how you react to what happens to you. So instead of playing the victim, take control of your life and create the reality you want to see.

Negative thinking is one of the quickest ways to sabotage your happiness—and your spiritual growth. When you find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, gently redirect your attention elsewhere. Focus on all the things you’re grateful for in your life, no matter how small they may seem. The more you focus on positive thoughts, the easier it will be to let go of negative ones and watch those toxic habits dissolve.

Toxic Habit #6: Living in Their Head

It’s easy for spiritual people to get lost in their thoughts and forget about the present moment. If you find yourself living in your head too much, try to focus on the here and now instead of letting your mind wander off into la-la land. Pay attention to your senses and really experience what’s happening around you instead of letting your thoughts run wild.

As it should be obvious by now, meditation is one of the cornerstone practices of spirituality—and for good reason. Meditation helps us to still our minds, connect with our higher selves, and access guidance from the Universe. If you’re not meditating regularly, you’re missing out on a key tool for spiritual growth. Aim to meditate for at least 10 minutes each day, even if it’s just sitting quietly with your eyes closed and taking some deep breaths. This alone can rid you of many toxic habits.

When life gets busy, it’s easy for our spirituality to fall by the wayside. But if we want to grow spiritually, we have to make time for it—just like we would make time for anything else that’s important to us. Set aside sometime each day—even if it’s just 10 or 15 minutes—to nurture your spirituality through meditation, prayer, journaling, or whatever practice speaks to you most deeply.

You deserve it!

Toxic Habit #7: Being Self-righteous

Many spiritual people think they know everything—and aren’t afraid to tell other people what they should be doing with their lives! If you find yourself being self-righteous, try to remember that we’re all on our own journey and there’s no one right way to live life. Instead of telling other people what they should do, focus on your own journey and let others figure out their own path in life.

Remember: change begins with ourselves.

Plus, we all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. But when you’re a spiritual person, it’s important to learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be living in a state of constant self-judgment and condemnation, which will only hold you back from achieving your full potential. So, if you find yourself dwelling on past mistakes, take a deep breath and let it go. Remember that you are not your mistakes; you are so much more than that and divine guidance is available for everyone.


Being spiritual doesn’t make you exempt from bad habits!

Remember: you have power. Giving away this power—that is, relinquishing our personal power to someone or something else can be harmful because it disempowers us and prevents us from taking control of our lives. This is what we are doing when we engage in one of the toxic habits. It can also lead to codependency, which is an unhealthy dependence on someone else for our happiness.

So instead of giving away your power, claim it back and start living your life on your own terms.

I didn’t write about it, but the article is already long as it is: We live in a world that is increasingly disconnected from nature. We spend our days indoors under artificial lights, staring at screens instead of trees and the sky. But this disconnection can take a toll on our mental and emotional health—not to mention our spiritual well-being. Make an effort to spend time in nature every day, even if it’s just going for a walk in the park or sitting in your backyard for a few minutes. This one is a very important step in how to heal wounded feminine energy and destroy your toxic habits. So, let nature nurture you back to balance in its own pace.

In summary, we presented seven toxic habits spiritual people engage in that can hold them back from achieving their full potential. If you find yourself engaging in any of these toxic habits, don’t worry—you can break them with a little effort and awareness. Start by forgiving yourself, then move on to judging others less, taking responsibility for your life, detaching from outcomes, setting boundaries, embracing change, and claiming back your personal power.

Do this, and you’ll be well on your way to living a happy and fulfilling life.


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