Why Are You Worrying When Nothing Is in our Control? A Few Nasty Questions to Put Things in Perspective

We live in a world that is full of uncertainty.

Every day, we are bombarded with news of impending doom and gloom. It’s no wonder that so many of us find ourselves consumed by worry. But what if I told you that there is a way to break free from the cycle of worry? In this blog post, I’m going to share with you why worry is pointless and how you can overcome it. So sit back, relax, and let me show you the way to a worry-free life.

You can’t control what other people think or do, so why worry about it?

Worrying about people’s opinions or the things they do can be a draining, energy-sucking experience. It is true that we have absolutely no control over what anyone thinks or does – so why even bother worrying ourselves? We should instead focus our energy on the positive aspects of life and that which we can actually control. All that worrying isn’t going to get us very far in life. After all, why worry when you could be laughing? It’s totally up to us: either we wallow in worry or choose to rise above it and simply enjoy life for its many wonderful moments.

Worrying won’t change the outcome of a situation, so why bother stressing over it?

Worrying is an age-old problem that we all face, but the reality is that it isn’t doing us any good. After all, what’s the point of stressing over something you can’t control? At best, worrying only serves to make you miserable in the present; it won’t alter the inevitable outcome of a situation!

If there was a way to actually solve a problem with stress, don’t you think we would have done it already? Instead of worrying about what may or may not happen, why not use our time and energy more efficiently by focusing on solutions rather than emotions? So take a deep breath, have some faith in yourself and let go of those worries – chances are, everything will work out for the best.

And remember: Nothing is in our control!

enjoy the scenery, nothing is in our control

The more you worry, the more likely you are to make yourself feel bad – and that’s not worth it!

We can all be a little neurotic sometimes, but worrying yourself into feeling bad is not a good idea (especially when it comes to something that you already know there’s no control or solution over). Worrying doesn’t protect us from the things we fear and it definitely won’t help them go away. So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, why not try and accept what you can’t change instead? It’s likely to really help – who’d have thought?

If you can’t control a situation, there’s no point in worrying about it – focus on what you CAN control instead.

If stress and anxiety have become a daily part of your life, it may help to embrace the idea that attempting to control things outside of your influence is a fruitless endeavor. Worrying doesn’t do anything; if something is out of your hands, it’s better to focus on what you can actually do something about. Though it’s easier said than done, try to flip a negative into a positive by recognizing all the things that you CAN control. Empower yourself with that knowledge, and you’ll soon feel like the master of your own destiny instead of helplessly trying to fight the tide!

Remind yourself that everyone worries sometimes – but try to let go of those worries as soon as possible. Nothing is in our control

From feeling anxious about a presentation at work to worrying about how you’re going to pay rent, it’s true that everyone worries sometimes. But here’s the thing – trying to hold onto those worries isn’t going to do anyone any favors. They’ll just drag you down further and further until letting go is the best thing you can do for yourself. So instead of wallowing in your worries, take a break and focus on something else – read a book, listen to some music or even take a nap! You won’t be sorry when you make the conscious decision to free yourself from all those worries weighing you down.

Ultimately, learning to let go of your worries is a valuable skill to cultivate and will serve you well in life – even if it’s hard to do. We can’t control what other people think or do, so worrying about it won’t change the outcome. It also doesn’t do any good to worry, since it will likely make you feel worse in the long run.

Instead of focusing on the things we can’t control and beating ourselves up over it, a better approach is to concentrate on what we CAN control and use that as an opportunity to make positive changes. Remember that everyone worries sometimes – but try not to let those worries linger too long. Letting go of worries may take some practice, but it’s worth the effort!

Some thoughts

Are you a worrier? Do you know somebody who is?

Even if you aren’t one yourself, do you ever find yourself saying things like, ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.” ?Recently on the news we were told that we didn’t need to worry about the weather tomorrow. (Were you worried?) Another television ad from an insurance company gave us this reassurance: “We will worry about the paperwork – you just worry about your loved one”.

Why are you worrying? Are you as tired of worrying, talking about worrying, and thinking about worrying as I am?

Do you understand the energetic implications of talking about something? Well, if you weren’t aware before, let me tell you what happened. The more we think about something, put it into words, and embrace its energy of it, the more it grows. It can actually grow into something real even though it was only a word to begin with.

Human beings, unfortunately, do worry about things that may happen in the future and things that are out of their control. Also, unfortunately, all that worrying doesn’t do one bit of good, and actually hurts by surrounding the issue with negativity. So for anyone out there who feels inclined to help me by telling me not to worry, I don’t need your kind of help.

Maybe if we banish the word ‘worry’ from our vocabulary, we can get to work on replacing our worries with understanding, acceptance, action, trust and faith. Wouldn’t that be nice? Blessings, Elaine

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