The first thing to know is: The Law of Attraction is More than Just Positive Thinking
We all know we should wear our seat belts, wash our hands before eating, take our vitamins, cut down on sugar and keep smiling. Does that mean we never have an accident, get sick, or are saddened by something? Of course not. We’re giving ourselves the best chance, in a rather dangerous world, to stay healthy, safe, and happy. Most people try to do those things to various degrees and get all kinds of different outcomes. Does that mean we stop trying? We don’t. We don’t chastise ourselves if we get the flu in spite of our best efforts. We know we tried to do our part.
It’s the same with the Law of Attraction. It’s real. It works. The vibrations you send out magnetically attract compatible vibrations and bring them back to you, but it is not a magic bullet for a perfect life. There is a certain reality anchored on this planet at this time that is not going to change overnight. The vibrational space we live in fluctuates. It does not support perfection. It supports experimentation with energy.
Many people misunderstand the law of attraction. They think that it’s just about positive psychology. However, the law of attraction is much more than that. In order to manifest our desires, we need to take action as well. In this article, we will explore some of the deeper aspects of the law of attraction so that you can start putting it into practice in your own life.
But first, let’s explore what it really is in a spiritual sense.
Defining How The Law of Attraction Works
The law of attraction is a spiritual truth that applies to everyone and everything throughout history. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you believe in. The law of attraction is always working, whether you’re aware of it or not.
This law is based on the nature of our world that like attracts like. In other words, what we focus on expands. If we focus on positive things, we will attract more positive things into our lives. Conversely, if we focus on negative things, we will attract more negative things. The law of attraction is always working, whether we are aware of it or not.
In order to manifest our desires, we need to first become aware of the law of attraction and how it works. Once we understand how the law of attraction works, we can start using it to our advantage.
The Law of Attraction Responds to Our Thoughts and Feelings
Our thoughts and feelings are powerful things. They create our reality. The law of attraction responds to our thoughts and feelings by giving us more of what we focus on.
If we focus on positive thoughts and feelings, we will attract more positive things into our lives. On the other hand, if we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we will attract more negative things into our lives.
If you work with the Law of Attraction you maintain an awareness that what you are thinking and feeling matters. Joy magnetically finds more joy. Anger finds more anger. Negative thoughts vibrationally attract more negative thoughts. Positive thoughts generate more positive thoughts. It gives us a blueprint to work from and a reason to resolve our emotional difficulties as soon as we can. It encourages us to focus a lot more on our gratitude list than our problem list. And there are numerous ways to see how much power we wield.
The Law of Attraction is Neutral
Fortunately, the law of attraction is neutral; it does not discriminate between positive or negative thoughts and feelings. Therefore, even if you have some doubts or fears about manifesting your desires, know that these too will be taken into account and can help you fine-tune what you really want.
Many people believe that the law of attraction is biased toward giving us what we want. However, this isn’t true. The law of attraction is neutral. It doesn’t judge us or our desires. It is a simple reality of the spiritual dimension.
The only thing that the law of attraction responds to is our vibrational frequency.
If our vibrational frequency is high, we will attract things that have a high vibrational frequency. If our vibrational frequency is low, we will attract things that have a low vibrational frequency.
It’s up to us to raise our vibrational frequency by focusing on positive thoughts and positive emotions so that we can attract what we desire into our physical world.
Sadly, many people who accept the flu as part of life have a different belief system about the Law of Attraction. When distressed, they immediately feel guilt for feeling distressed, not wanting to project that out into the world. Some people get angry if they tried to manifest something wonderful, and problems come to them instead. These are often very dedicated people who meditate and pray and try to do it right.
Each person has their own individual experience, and this doesn’t depend on religion or knowledge.
The Law of Manifestation: Bringing What We Want
Having said that, it’s important not to confuse the Law of Attraction with the Law of Manifestation.
One way to think about manifestation is as follows: whatever we believe with feeling becomes our reality. In order to manifest our desires, we need to get clear about what we want and feel confident that it is possible. This can be a challenge because most of us have been conditioned to believe that certain things are not possible or that we are not worthy of having what we desire.
The law of manifestation works by aligning our thoughts and actions with our desired outcomes. When we do this, we send a clear message to the universe about what we want. As a result, the universe starts working behind the scenes to make our desires a reality.
The key to manifestation is taking inspired action toward your goals. Once you have a clear intention and feel confident that it is possible to manifest, start taking steps toward your goal. The universe will begin to align circumstances and people in your favor to support your endeavor. However, it is important not to get attached to a particular outcome; be open to receiving something even better than you could have imagined!
Things to remember
Remember: the law of manifestation is the belief that we can create our reality through our thoughts and actions. This means that if we want to manifest something in our lives, we need to put in the work to make it happen. It’s not enough to just sit around and visualize what you want – you need to take actionable steps to make it a reality.
For example, if you want to manifest a new job, you can’t just sit at home and visualize getting hired. You need to update your resume, network with people in your industry, and apply for jobs that interest you. In other words, you need to take concrete steps toward your goal. Only then will the universe conspire to help you achieve it.
Of course, manifestation isn’t always going to be easy. There will be times when it feels like everything is working against you. But if you stay focused on your goal and take consistent action, you will eventually start seeing results. Remember, the law of manifestation is all about aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome – so keep that in mind whenever you start doubting yourself or feeling like giving up.
A personal experience of my own
I am an energy healer and Reiki practitioner – I work with healing energies and the Law of Attraction every day, and right now I am sick. I did nothing wrong. It took me a while to figure that out though. There have been plenty of moments where I succumbed to guilt, thinking I could have done better. Has that ever happened to you? Do you feel guilty because you feel responsible for not putting out enough good energy? Sometimes, there’s this person in our lives that even reinforces that erroneous belief and almost blames us for bringing this on ourselves. If this is your experience, please don’t feel guilty one more minute. Don’t accept the guilt that someone else might try to put on you. The Angels have told me that guilt is only appropriate when harm was intended.
But, as I always like to say “wear gratitude like a cloak”.
If, in spite of your best efforts, things are not going well, don’t blame yourself. Don’t blame God. He doesn’t send pain. He sends help in times of pain. Why do bad things happen? Some day perhaps we will have the answers, but for now, we just need to accept that they do and keep trying to do our best. It’s not the most comforting idea, but it will help get through life on Earth. Keep praying for divine guidance and keep yourself open to change.
Please congratulate yourself on the things you have been successful in bringing through. Perhaps you’ve been able to manifest a little peace in the midst of crisis. Good for you. Perhaps you’ve been able to send out some forgiveness, and you see the results in a less stressful life. Congratulations. Don’t ever stop believing in the Law of Attraction because you don’t see immediate results. Don’t ever feel guilty when things don’t seem to be working out, in spite of your good efforts. Life is just full of challenges sometimes.
May your spirit be at peace with that idea!
Concluding remarks:
In summary, the law of attraction and manifestation is a spiritual truth that states that like attracts like. It is often misunderstood as simply depending on our faith or will, but in reality, also depends on our actions. In order to manifest our desires, we need to get clear about what we want and feel confident that it is possible with the understanding that the universe will align circumstances and people in our favor to support our endeavor but without attachment to a particular outcome so that something even better than expected can come through.
The law of manifestation is a powerful spiritual tool that can help you create the life of your dreams. However, it’s important to understand that manifesting your desires takes work, much like opening and feeling your personal energy. You can’t just sit back and visualize what you want – you need to take actionable steps to make it happen. But if you stay focused on your goal and take consistent action, you will eventually start seeing results. Remember, the law of manifestation is all about aligning your thought patterns and actions with your desired outcome – so keep that in mind whenever you start doubting yourself or feeling like giving up.
Now that you understand some of the deeper aspects of the law of manifestation, you can start using it to your advantage. Remember, the law of manifestation is also neutral and responds to your mental well-being. So if you want to manifest your desires, focus on raising your vibration in the present moment, by thinking positive thoughts and positive emotions. When you do this, you will be amazed at what you can attract into physical reality!
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