Passing Judgment – And Why This a Truly Despicable Spiritual Practice

We all know that it’s bad to judge others. We’ve been told this since we were young. And yet, we still do it all the time. Why is that?

One reason might be because we’re human and passing judgment is part of our nature.

But another reason might be because we don’t realize the harm that judgments can cause – not just to others, but to ourselves as well.

You see, when we judge others, we are actually closing ourselves off from them. We are creating a barrier between us and them that doesn’t allow for true understanding or connection. And on a spiritual level, this is very harmful.

Why? Because when we judge others, we are really judging ourselves. We are putting ourselves above them in a way that says “I am better than you.” But in truth, there is no “better” or “worse” – we are all equal parts of the Divine. So by judging others, we are only harming ourselves spiritually.

So next time you find yourself judging someone, try to remember this: you’re not just harming them, you’re harming yourself as well. Make a conscious effort to let go of judgment and open yourself up to love and compassion instead. It will make all the difference in your life – and in the world around you!

passing judgment can be very harmful

What is passing judgment, and why do we do it so often without even realizing it?

Passing judgment, whether we realize it or not, is essentially making an opinion based on a feeling we get from someone or something. This often happens without us even consciously acknowledging what we’re doing – it’s just part of our natural defense mechanisms. However, when we pass judgment unconsciously, it can have serious consequences; not only is this harmful to the people we judge and their self-esteem, but it can also carry over into our own spiritual wellbeing.

Making assumptions without getting all the facts can have a negative effect on our relationships with others as well as ourselves. So while passing judgment may be an instinctual reaction, it’s important to remember its effects and try to step back in order to assess situations more objectively.

The harmful effects of passing judgment on others – how it can damage relationships and hinder our ability to see the good in people

We’ve all been guilty of passing judgment on others without a full understanding of the situation. Unfortunately, this habit has some harmful effects that can damage relationships and prevent us from seeing the good in people. In a way, passing judgment on others is like poisoning the well – it contaminates our outlook and prevents us from recognizing the positive qualities of those around us.

Not only can unconscious judgment be hurtful to others, but it also weakens our spiritual well-being by closing off avenues of growth and acceptance. So maybe next time we want to pass judgement, we should pause and try to understand what’s really going on before making any hasty conclusions.

The harmful effects of passing judgment on ourselves – how it can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-worth

We have all been guilty of passing judgment on ourselves at one time or another, whether it’s negatively critiquing our appearance in the mirror or feeling like we’ve made a mistake and not lived up to our own expectations. While this is a normal habit that most of us engage in, the outcome can often lead to negative feelings such as guilt, shame, and low self-worth.

As we pass judgment on ourselves, even unconsciously, we unintentionally create obstacles between living our best lives and attaining peace and spiritual growth. Instead of ruminating over weaknesses or mistakes, we should strive to reach deep within ourselves for inner strength and self-compassion when working towards our goals.

Why passing judgment is a bad spiritual practice – how it goes against the principles of love, compassion, and understanding

We are so conditioned to form opinions and pass judgments without seeing the full picture that it’s become almost a reflex. Consciously or unconsciously, the harshness of our judgments goes against the principles of compassion and understanding that make up the foundation of many spiritual teachings.

Every spirit within us yearns for love—which means opening ourselves up to this practice of giving and receiving gracefully, authentically, and freely. Even if we disagree with someone (or something!), by refusing to resort to judgment we can embody more loving energy that extends beyond our individual differences. That’s how we create pure connection with others: by putting an emphasis on embracing one another as opposed to making false allegations or assumptions.

Although it may take time, undoing our social conditioning by replacing judgment with openness can really lead us towards a place where we are all respectful towards each other…it may be easier said than done but it’s always worth striving for!

How to stop passing judgment – some tips and suggestions for changing this negative habit

Passing judgment is a nasty habit that can rob us of our peace of mind and relationships, so it’s important we stop it in its tracks. Tackling this issue requires being more mindful. Firstly, when we notice ourselves being critical of another person or situation, it’s essential to pause and consider why we feel that way.

By recognizing where the judgment comes from, it will help us develop strategies to unlearn old patterns of behavior mandated by our conditioning and become more conscious of our reactions.

Secondly, always be on the lookout for how we could have been wrong or made mistakes in similar circumstances – if our expectations are too high, give ourselves and others space to make enough errors without condemning them.

Lastly, fill your life with positive people and positive relationships. A healthy critique helps us to get better at understanding different perspectives but looking for success stories both near and far allows us to focus on what truly matters: placing our trust in values or principles like respect and generosity which supersedes any judgement or labeling that may come with it.

Judging makes us feel wrong and bad about ourselves, but it’s important to understand that we all do it. It doesn’t help to beat ourselves up for it. Instead, recognize when you’re doing it, and actively work to shift your perspective by changing the way you think and talk about people. Prioritize viewing others with kindness and understanding – remembering we are all seeking love in our lives. The same effort we give others must also be given to ourselves by practicing self-compassion and forgiveness. Finally, remember that our spiritual practice does not support judgment; instead, strive for unconditional love and respect for everyone you come across.

A personal story

I was talking to a friend recently and the subject of passing judgement came up – about how we don’t want to do it.

We know it’s not healthy. We know it’s not high vibrational. We know it’s not healing. It’s not even what we want to be, and yet we often go there. Living in a planet of duality we have, of necessity, needed to learn to evaluate things. When we were purely 3rd dimensional we asked ourselves, ‘Is it good or bad?’.

Now that we have advanced to somewhere in the 4th dimension we are required to ask, ‘Is it healthy?’ How much light is there?’. Once we become firmly grounded in the 5th dimension this probably won’t be an issue, since we will see everything through our loving hearts. For now, though, we still need to evaluate.

We can’t help it.

Everything in our environment either pleases us or doesn’t. It either feels good or feels less than good. Perhaps the key is where we stop in our evaluation. If we see a bad situation or witness bad behavior we can do one of two things. We can evaluate it as dark and lacking and leave it at that – or – we can see it as someone in lesson who may benefit from healing and love – and we can send it.

Instead of just passing judgement, I hope you can take the final step and always send the love.

Then everyone wins.

Blessings, Elaine

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