Light Workers on Earth

We’ve previously been able to ask ourselves “Am I a Light Worker?”, but we haven’t asked “Why are there Lightworkers on Earth?”

Today let’s pretend. Pretend it’s a long, long, long time ago and we’re sitting somewhere in the Universe gazing at Planet Earth and seeing all her possibilities and all her pasts and all her probable futures. We’re all Masters – we and our friends (and there are a lot of us, tens of thousands – we come from a very big and loving family). We see the human species beginning to grow. We see the creation of the Planet and the beauty that was built into it. We see the free-will nature of the place and we are intrigued. We see the duality that is forming there because of the free will feature.

In our Mastery, we understood that the Earth has the capacity to sink the farthest into density. Earth can go farther away from the pure Divine Love of the Creator Source than any other place in the Galaxy because of Her free will. We also knew that Earth is like an anchor. Until she bottoms out and then starts her upward spiraling into the Light again, the rest of the Solar System, Galaxy, and eventually even the Universe would be stalled. This is because we are all connected. So, it was imperative that Earth at some point reach her bottom and start the climb back up (hopefully before she completely incinerated herself in some nuclear disaster). God loves Earth. God didn’t want to see Earth get destroyed, and in the process affect all her neighboring Planets and Solar Systems. God needed someone to go and help bring her back.

It is a well-known Universal Law that you can only fix something from the inside. Somebody needed to go in – somebody needed to do something. We were Masters – and full of love – and smart enough to pull this off – and so we came up with a plan.

We would incarnate into human bodies, knowing that the human body was so dense we would lose our higher vibrational connection to Home. We knew our innate nature was Love and so we figured that even if it took many lifetimes of creating karma, and clearing karma, at some point we would remember enough to get the Planet headed back in the right direction, and then eventually get us all out of here.

Us lightworkers on earth came in massive numbers, with a pretty good idea that enough of us would get our acts together in time to affect the ascension of the Planet. We knew that some of us would get stuck in the mud and the mire and not be able to free ourselves, but that was the risk we were willing to take. We were counting on the percentages. As long as enough of us made it NOW, life on the Planet would be saved, and all of us would remember eventually.

Light workers help the world become full of light.

And that effectively brings us up to now. Some of our family is still stuck but enough of us are shining brightly enough to save us all. We may not all make it on the first ascension train out of town, but there will be other trains.

Eventually, everyone who volunteered for this JOB will get to go home.

Home is different for everyone. Some will enjoy this Planet in its new higher vibration. Some will want to revisit Planets where they were before. Some will want to continue exploring places they have never been. And there will be no judgment of those who didn’t make it this time. We knew not everybody would. That was the chance we took. We were counting on numbers – of enough of us getting our acts together in time to help all life on this Planet. Some Masters will still be stuck for a little while longer. Once Earth gets headed back in the right direction our brothers and sisters will find it much easier to find the path again.

If you can relate to this message about love and light, you are probably on board for the upliftment in consciousness that is sweeping through this dimension at this time. If you know people who would laugh at you and still want their drama, please don’t judge them. They are Family. They just got stuck. Their souls are counting on us to do OUR JOB so that they can eventually awaken to the truth too.

For some this is only a story – for some, this is the absolute truth – take what you like and have a blessed day.

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