

The 5 Pillars of Wellness and Great Tips to Being at Peace With Yourself

According to the Five Pillars of Wellness model, wellness is an active process that consists of four interconnected and equally important pillars: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual.

If you Google “wellness,” you’ll get almost half a billion results. That’s a lot of info to sift through! And if you’re anything like me, you probably don’t have the time (or patience) to do that.

So, I did the legwork for you, and here’s what I found: the pillars of wellness are five—physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. In this blog post, we’ll explore each one in a little more detail and talk about why it’s important to maintain a balance among them.…

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Keeping Faith in Hard Times – A Small Post Growing Through Hardships

Perhaps one of the most difficult things to do in life is to keep faith in hard times

Does it seem really nice to you that the whole nation stops what it is doing (except for many retail outlets) to count its blessings once a year? Does it give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside to get together with relatives whose company you may or may not enjoy? Countless hours are spent in the kitchen and many cooks are exhausted by the end of the day. The newspapers are filled with ads so that people can start planning their 4 am shopping trips on Black Friday and of course, Santa makes his first appearance in Manhattan.…

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Advanced Chi Concepts: How to Manipulate Chi Effectively Through Reverse Breathing and Traditional Chinese Medicine

If you’ve ever studied martial arts, yoga, or acupuncture, you may have heard the term “chi” before. Chi energy (pronounced “chee”) is a Chinese word that refers to the life force or energy that animates our bodies. This energy can be harnessed and channeled to bring about a variety of benefits. In this blog post, we’ll explore what chi is, how it works, and why understanding it can help you live a better life.

Chi energy is an essential component of our world. It’s the life energy that animates our bodies and that can be channeled to bring various benefits.…

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Who You Are: Are you Powerful or Simply Possess Brute Force?

Perhaps you are starting to glimpse your awakening power now and then. But who you are is not so readily apparent.

If you have been working at all consciously with your thoughts and feelings, trying to discard and change the negative – if you have been seeking out things to be grateful for, more than things to be disturbed by – and if you look for places to leave a little kindness behind you, and places where you can forgive, you are becoming very powerful.

True power is demonstrated by your ability to act thoughtfully and purposely instead of reacting with impulsiveness and short-sightedness.…

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The amazing importance of ceremony and ritual in our lives: a little primer on manifestation

We are very ritualistic people. You might not consider yourself “religious” or a “believer” but either way, we all follow sets of actions that can be called ceremony and ritual in our everyday life.

How are you feeling right this minute? Bored, tired, anxious, rushed, confused, hopeful, peaceful, angry, happy, or something else?

It doesn’t matter what it is. You are a powerful creator and if it is with you at this moment you are creating more of it. That’s just the way energy works. You are actively manifesting your thoughts.

Of course, if you are aware of what you are doing and its deeper meaning, then the effect is that much greater.…

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The Awesome Benefits of the Five Reiki Principles and how to become a Reiki master teacher

Have you ever heard of Reiki and wondered what it was all about? Well, you are in luck as this is what this blog is all about! Reiki is a unique spiritual system based on healing. It is universal and has helped many people worldwide (with ample scientific proof).

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki literally means “spiritually guided life force energy.”

Here we explain everything you need to know in order to understand the five Reiki principles, how it was created and how it works.…

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Lets Say No To Fear

Right now, the world is trying to decide how to deal with terrorists.

What is called for is calmness, determination, strength, insight, using our power with maturity and clear intention, coming together in unity, and guidance from above.

Instead, our media and many in leadership positions seem to be acting from a place of fear. They declare they are afraid and they feed us hour after hour of footage designed to disempower and distract us with things that split us apart rather than call us together. Their solution seems to be: Be afraid.

Watch another hour of the destruction and devastation that we have already shown you twice in the last hour.…

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