

How to Cultivate Unconditional Love with Loving Intentions and a Loving Heart

When we talk about cultivating love, it is important to understand that love starts with loving intentions.

Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to direct our loving intentions toward others, and when we do this with an attitude of openness and compassion, hearts naturally open in response.

However, if our intention is not genuinely loving – if it’s hidden behind agendas or expectations – then we may find ourselves struggling to cultivate the kind of unconditional love that we long for. So let’s explore how we can set loving intentions and open our hearts to receive and give love more fully.…

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How to Connect with Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, there’s no denying that connecting with your guardian angels and spirit guides can be a powerful experience. If you’re open to the idea of communicating with these higher beings, here are some tips on how to connect with them. Who knows, you might just find the guidance and support you’ve been seeking!

Know that you are not alone – we all have guardian angels and spirit guides

Despite the physical distance between us, we are all connected. To a certain extent, it is almost like we all have an invisible team of spirit guides, watching over us and cheering us on.…

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Finding Clarity Amidst Chaos: Understanding the Symptoms of Inner Peace

Have you ever felt like the world is spinning out of control and you can’t seem to keep up? If so, you’re not alone. We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world that can often feel overwhelming. The good news is that there is a way to find peace amidst the chaos. Through understanding the symptoms of inner peace, we can begin to create a more tranquil life for ourselves. Keep reading to learn more.

Defining “inner peace” and how it differs from happiness, contentment, etc.

Inner peace can be a tough concept to define and some might just say it is an oxymoron.…

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Understanding the Essential Difference Between Self Esteem vs Ego

How you view and relate to yourself makes up a huge part of your overall spirituality.

Your self-esteem is how you see and feel about yourself, while your ego is the image that you present to the world.

It’s crucial to understand the difference between self esteem vs ego, because they can have a big impact on your spiritual journey.

Ego is about how you view yourself in relation to others and the world around you.

Being aware of the ego and its expansive power in your life has become increasingly important in recent times due to the interconnection of people through digital technologies.…

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Nesara could have brought a lot of evil to the world
Power Is Within You – How Awaken People Can Bring Substantial Change in Society

Some people still live with the belief that our leaders have our best interests at heart. I’m sure some of them do. I know some of them do. The political machine holds the power and the money and the influence does not. They have their interests first. The influential and powerful who really run things from behind the scenes don’t really care what happens to us.

In fact, if there were fewer of us to contend with it would be alright with them.

But the truth is the power is within you and me.

They have engineered diseases in laboratories that were unheard of in mankind decades ago.…

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Spiritual Guidance for Navigating Change in Life in 7 Easy Steps

Change is a constant in life, whether we like it or not. For the spiritual seeker, this can be especially difficult to navigate as we are constantly having to adapt to new circumstances. However, with a little guidance, it is possible to make these changes with grace and ease. Here are 7 easy steps that will help you through any unexpected changes that come your way.

1. Acknowledge the change

The first step is to simply acknowledge that a change has occurred, or is occurring. This can be difficult to do, especially if the change is unexpected or unwelcome, but it is an important step nonetheless.…

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The Beauty And Significance Of One: An essay on how we are all part of God

I have had many teachers through the years.

One of them told me once to think of Divine Creator God or Divine Creative Source as the Ocean and to think of myself as a Divine Drop. A drop of water holds every single attribute of the whole. By analyzing one drop you can determine the composition of the larger body. You are a Divine Drop in the Ocean of God. Have you ever been fortunate enough to see dew on the blades of grass in the brilliant morning sun?

Each drop shines like a diamond. You shine like a diamond when the brilliance of the light and love of Creator shines through you.…

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7 Easy Ways to Develop the Practice of Thinking Before You Speak from a Spiritual Standpoint

We all know the saying, “think before you speak.” But how many of us actually take the time to do so? We live in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with information and stimulation, and it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to think about what we’re about to say.

However, taking a few moments to pause and reflect before speaking can make a big difference. When we take the time to think about what we want to say, we’re more likely to communicate our message more effectively. Not only that, but, thinking before you speak can help you avoid saying something you might regret later.…

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The Illusions Of Time And Why We Are So Confused

Time – is it on your side? Do you fight against it? Do you think it is static and unmovable? Actually time is a great illusion. If you are doing something you love, a minute hardly counts at all. If you are trying to hold your breath, or the dentist is drilling in your mouth, a minute lasts a long, long time. The last 2 minutes of a football game can stretch on and on.

We can either use time to our advantage, or give it power over us to make us anxious.

If you have a reasonable departure time in mind, and a reasonable arrival time as well, how do you spend the time in between?…

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Why Are We Here On Earth And Other Essential Questions

It really is all about love.

When we are on the other side, before coming here, all we know is pure love. There are no degrees of love. Therefore, no competition, no jealousy, or comparisons. It is only when we come to earth that we get to look at it a whole different way. The planet of duality and free will offers you that point of view.

When you are here you can see love in all its aspects.

You can love a puppy or a hot fudge sundae or a beautiful day. You can love the feeling of comfort when your headache goes away.…

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