

We Are Not Alone: A Short Essay On Guardian Angels And The Vital Help They Provide

We spoke before about how to meet your guardian angels and spirit guides in your sleep

So, this article is about a different take.

If you are human, you probably have your share of days that seem hard. You may have had occasions where you felt like everybody else was getting a break and you weren’t. If you were raised in a strongly religious home, as I was, you might have been led to believe that God blessed some people more than others. You may have wondered why. You may sometimes wonder why you have problems in your life when you are trying your best to do everything you can to do things right.…

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Crafting a Conscious Life: 5 Ways to Enjoy the Rewards of Living Mindfully

Are you seeking a more mindful, conscious life?

Conscious Life is something we all need to pay attention to, learn about, think about, and put into practice in our lives. Why? Because we are creating our lives in every moment. The life you are experiencing today is the life you thought into existence yesterday – and last week – and last year.

Because of the way the 3rd dimension was designed, it appears that life happens sequentially – one thing after another. It would seem that life goes in a straight line and your past is always behind you, and your future always ahead.…

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Wanderings on the Meaning of and Ways to Receive a Happy New Year

The new year is a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to a fresh start.

It might be a little early for this article, but did you know that the New Year also has deep spiritual meanings?

Every culture has its own traditions and beliefs surrounding the New Year. Still, there are a few universal truths that we can draw upon to help us better understand the spiritual significance of this particular time. Let’s take a look at some of these spiritual meanings.

Most people face the first day of a New Year with the desire to begin again.…

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Getting Things Done When The Universe Is Conspiring Against You in 8 Incredibly Easy Tips

We all have very busy schedules. Getting things done in a timely manner is therefore crucial for our spiritual success.

We all have experienced those times when it seems like the universe is against us and everything we try to do fails. We can’t seem to get anything done no matter how hard we try. It seems like every little thing takes twice as long as it should and we can’t take a break.

It’s easy to get caught up in the mundane tasks of life and let the days, weeks, and months pass us by without accomplishing anything meaningful.

But if we want to grow spiritually, it’s important that we get things done.…

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It’s 2012 All Over Again: A Brief Explanation on The End Of Times and It’s Awesome Meaning

The End of Times: A New Consciousness Shift

Many people are familiar with the famous 2012 Mayan prophecy, which warned that the world would end in December of that year. While it was a false alarm, it has left many people feeling anxious about the future. But what if there is something much more significant than an impending apocalypse? What if we’re actually approaching a dramatic consciousness shift? Let’s explore what this means for mankind.

2012 was touted as the end of times, but it came and went without any apocalyptic event. However, there is a new shift in consciousness that has been slowly taking place since then.…

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Keeping Faith in Hard Times – A Small Post Growing Through Hardships

Perhaps one of the most difficult things to do in life is to keep faith in hard times

Does it seem really nice to you that the whole nation stops what it is doing (except for many retail outlets) to count its blessings once a year? Does it give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside to get together with relatives whose company you may or may not enjoy? Countless hours are spent in the kitchen and many cooks are exhausted by the end of the day. The newspapers are filled with ads so that people can start planning their 4 am shopping trips on Black Friday and of course, Santa makes his first appearance in Manhattan.…

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Star Trek and Spirituaity – Some incredible lessons from the franchise

I actually watched Star Trek. I liked the original series the best. It didn’t have a lot of fancy sets and computer-enhanced graphics for sensationalism, but it told a very interesting story.

Many of the future things predicted and used in the show are now accessible. Our current cell phones, I pods, I pads, and computers with voice and eye recognition have far surpassed the Star Trek variety, and yet back in the 60s, those things were science fiction. Scientists have now proven in laboratories that matter exists in two places simultaneously – and the Star Trek Transporter system was actually based on scientific principles people are working on today.…

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Letting go and moving on – Letting the universe take care of things in an amazing way

There are many things in life we can’t control, and we accept that, by letting go.

We can’t control the weather or the fact that time marches on. We can’t alter the fact that everything always changes, although many people spend a lot of time and energy trying to keep things the same.

We can’t control other people, but that doesn’t stop some of us from trying tactic after tactic. Pleading, begging, arguing, explaining, deal-making, threatening, and various other techniques can appear to work in the short term, but don’t celebrate too fast thinking you made somebody do something. They gave in to you because ultimately they wanted to, for all kinds of reasons of their own.…

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Coping with change: all you need to know to succeed spiritually and maintain stoicism

It’s no secret that coping with change can be hard.

In fact, there’s a scientific reason for it. Our brains are wired to resist change because it’s seen as a threat to our survival. This instinct is known as the “status quo bias.” The status quo bias is a cognitive bias that favors the current situation or status quo over any alternative options.

The status quo bias is thought to be driven by two primary factors: loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy. Loss aversion refers to our tendency to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring gains. In other words, we would rather not lose what we have than gain something new.…

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A Comprehensive Guide On the Law of Attraction And Law Of Manifestation: Maximizing Positive Psychology

The first thing to know is: The Law of Attraction is More than Just Positive Thinking

We all know we should wear our seat belts, wash our hands before eating, take our vitamins, cut down on sugar and keep smiling. Does that mean we never have an accident, get sick, or are saddened by something? Of course not. We’re giving ourselves the best chance, in a rather dangerous world, to stay healthy, safe, and happy. Most people try to do those things to various degrees and get all kinds of different outcomes. Does that mean we stop trying? We don’t. We don’t chastise ourselves if we get the flu in spite of our best efforts.…

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